I newbie here...LOL

He I m newbie here…just came here to say hello…:smiley: forgive me if i have posted on wrong section just my frist post…:smiley:

Welcome, I hope your stay at the BA forums is enjoyable, and that you have success in all your blendering.

Welcome here and best of!

Hello and Welcome to BA

Hi inawbatte, welcome to BlenderArtists, and May the Blend be with you! :smiley:



oh yeah hi there, we like fun things around here

like games and movies and geeking out

  • my name has been hacked

yep i’m pretty new too, but not really new. most of the people are nice and fun, but don’t cross the cranky old no-funners who have an empirical view about what should and shouldn’t be talked about… in a user forum… anyways if you get some snooty people busting your balls about crap that is no big deal, don’t worry about it. i say if you post stuff in the right place, stay on topic, and refrain from being an a-hole yourself, you can just ignore the rest and let the people who don’t want to have fun sulk in their dungeon of anger.

Hey, welcome! I’m beginning to feel like an old poop, joined all the way in February 2004 and produced next to nothing :open_mouth: I hope your Blender career will be more fruitful!

I made this default cube render in your honor!

EDIT: I just realised this is my 1000th post! Hooray!
