I really need help making this texture, idk where to start

Could anybody help me make this please?

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Hi, have you done the modeling part yet?
Use the displacement modifier for the “big” bump part. Then for the texture, I think using different levels of noise texture is a good start. And use a noise texture linked to the bump node for the normals. You’ll get that grainy effect, or if you add more subdivision to your mesh, you can use the displacement node instead of the bump node and link it to the material output where it says displacement. I hope this gave you an idea where to start.
I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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this was about as far as I could get, but there’s something off about the texture clearly.

Which render engine are you aiming at?

Hello ! It’s a good start and it looks like you know what you’re doing at least enough to get somewhere…
I think you have the main shape ( model ) right, the small details seems to work also, what might be lacking is some middle sized color variations, the main color is a bit uniform … Adding some broader noise that makes changes from the pale color you have to light brown / dark yellow could help to add some breakups … Maybe that noise could also go into a displace / bump too…

Anyway, I’m not sure we can help you a lot here, basically you need to analyze the references to find what kind of details are lacking … And eventually we can discuss how to add one particular detail if you lack the technical knowledge…

At least you have a good start, it’s just a matter of adding layers to make the whole more visually pleasing !

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This is an excellent start that you have there, you just have to adjust the different parameters of your nodes. Don’t hesitate to save your original Blend file then create a copy where you can “do anything”: explore, change the rendering engine, try to integrate new nodes that you know. This is also how you will know what does what!
Just a tip or two:

  • Start without camera effects (like blur). Maybe try to concentrate on the texture, it can be a little complicated but you will get closer to the texture more easily. After having a texture that suits you, you can add effects.
  • Try to have the same distances as in the photos. I learned over time that looking at 3D objects too closely… is sometimes not a good idea!
    If you want a rendering like the image, try to put the camera at the same distance, there will already be a small resemblance.

And indeed, as @sozap said, you have to analyze your reference. Don’t hesitate to spend a little time on the internet to find another one of this stone. Sometimes it’s by having two or three references that we understand the first image better.

Don’t worry, we all started by not knowing what to use for a texture!
Your rendering is pretty great, keep it up! You just need to practice more and exploring!
Well I hope this helps you! :slightly_smiling_face:

cycles for sure

I don’t think the Cycles denoiser is helping you here