I spent 9 Months on this episode alone, made and rendered with blender 3D on cycle and EEVEE

Thanks. Very cool. :smile:

For clarification, there wasn’t (to the best of my knowledge) anything wrong with your QR code. My phone just objects to scanning those on anything for… reasons.


Ha Ha, love it, and the video, and the colours and the shading!

(I closed the link before the “low level format” bit!)


What fun! You captured some really amazing human moments in a very short time! I love the style, it really carries the mood for me. I especially enjoyed the music theme at the end. :slight_smile:

Well done!


Thank you
Im glad you love it ! :blush:

No worries for the link👀

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Thank you !
Ohhh yes I super love the ending theme

Okay, where to start… overall I really love the effort put into this story, the shaders, and blending of realism with a hint of painterly feel is just nice. :ok_hand:t2:
now, if we’re talking story, the general execution is a bit lacking in some areas, if I could suggest a few things with a few highlights:
some of my favorite scenes were the filler scenes where she just walked or rode her bike, they kind of conveyed a lot of feeling, no issues there, personally.
my favorite character just had to be the mysterious man in yellow, especially the emission work on the eyes just sold it for me, as it provided contrast in those dark scenes, he had just about a minute of screen time, and he was already raising a lot of questions, which is good for introductory chapters.
my favorite scene was actually the ending credits, the short length was really a shame, it has a lot of potential there, and really nice work on selecting the track. The simple concept of her walking over water is just fantastic, I’m guessing you used dynamic painting there. what I meant it having potential was that the ending credits could be used as a medium to shorten your animation time, even a little, if you could increase the length of time, just her walking on water is still enough for the end credits, but if you could increase the duration (maybe add a little variation to the animation), it would kill two birds with one stone (getting more of that beautiful score and concept, and saving you a bit of animation time).
Lastly, the robots, especially the humanoid models, if you could find a way to make them look more mechanical, that would be lovely. It looked like you used textures on a base mesh (please correct me if I’m wrong), it lacked detail, which is what mechanical or hard surface models need. personally, in some scenes where the bump on the mechanical lines weren’t really visible, they kind of looked like a man wearing a white suit.
If you could also work on improving the facial expressions on the main character as well, because her reactions in most scenes except the train scene felt “robotic”, you could take a book from the other character (the man in yellow) he felt more alive than the main character.
These were my observations so far. thanks for reading through. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My answer is very late … sorry!

Thank you so much for your great ideas!
My favorite scene is also the credits! ironically it was the easiest scene to make, about a few hours of work …
Yes, it was dynamic paint.

You’re right about the robot, I wanted to do something like the tesla bot.

Thanks a lot!