I think it goes here. The Blender Project

The Blender Project

My so far personal project for using Blender for FreeSpace 1 & 2 modding.

So far I only have one tutorial, but I hope to get more up sometime. :sigh:

Questions, comments, complaints, and flames welcome. :slight_smile:

Question: Why times new roman?

Comment: Good organization.

Complaint: Looks like high contrast theme for accessibility

Flame: What were you thinking with that color scheme? (or lack thereof)

  1. Haven’t finished it quite yet. I maybe should have waited. >_>

  2. Thanks

  3. #1. And I just liked it.

  4. #3

  5. Liked how you responded! First time I got a response like that!

Seems a good start! I’m with Desoto on the font and color scheme, go with what you like though.

On your tutorial you say: “Bleder 2.23: You can use later version if you want but I prefer 2.23.”

That’s a bit irresponsible as the later versions are vastly superior. Kind of a kick to the dev team, telling them all their work since is no good.

I guess you could be right. I’m not against Blender dev team or the recent Blender versions. I like 2.23 because it is the latest version that has Intersect. Which I like to use while making ship models for FreeSpace2. I’m not sure if the later versions do or do not, I haven’t found it.

I suppose I should take it out. :expressionless:

[EDIT]Edited the tut about Blender, and added something I forgot to put in there.

Enzoblue wrote:

That’s a bit irresponsible as the later versions are vastly superior. Kind of a kick to the dev team, telling them all their work since is no good.

That reads as though you are implying that all the codeing and development that went into 2.23 was substandard. I know you don’t mean that, just like hotsnoj didn’t mean what you suggest, but all things considered 2.23 is a mighty fine piece of work. It has a few gizzmos of its own that the later versions lack, most notable = stability. Superior? that’s a point of view.



just a question, did you get into blender because of the tutorial on freespace.volitionwatch.com about how to put spaceship into freespace??

if yes, just want to say I got into blender because of this :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: freespace rules!

No. I was into blender WAY before that. And I used it because I couldn’t affoard, aquire, or get other 3D applications to work on my mom’s computer. I was using blender about a year before I finally found and bought a copy of FS1. After that I found the VBB (may God have mercy on it’s soul), and later turned to HLP because that’s where the FS modders were. Since then I’ve researched ways to make Blender a great FS modding tool, hence then purpose of TBP. But most of that hasn’t happened until recently when I found scorpious’ IOSuite script.

One of my first sites Moth Designs Inc. I can hargly believe how bad those models are. shudders

So, yeah. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

[EDIT] The reason I first started using Blender is because of a little known game called HardWar. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s what Moth Designs Inc. was for but HW isn’t really modable. :frowning:

I got into Blender because of freespace! Never made anything for freespace because once I got blender it was all over.

That reads as though you are implying that all the codeing and development that went into 2.23 was substandard.

Reason I said the line about 2.23 was just the impression that it gives for Blender as a developer. The worst impression for sequel game devs is when the earlier sequels are better than the new ones. It shows that maybe they’re milking the title for cash and aren’t really trying to improve on it, or that they’re tired of the title and are just plowing through. 2.23 was brilliant, but it definately didn’t stop there and the devs seem to be still very motivated about the next releases. New releases should be better than old by definition. I guess it is opinion, but I tend to forgive stability when I see what they’re trying to do, I’d rather they were too ambitious to a degree.

I don’t think that implies that 2.23 is substandard, but if it’s better than the new releases you’d be implying the dev team is substandard.

Can we drop this and get back on topic?

And lets just say they are both good.
2.23 = stability
2.2? (dev) = features

There that simple.

more http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~freespace/forums/images/smilies/pimp.gif-age.

Finished my second tutorial entitled “pof2cob2blend”.
