I thought there was a new way to slice a polygon not with the knife

I thought there was a new way to slice a polygon not with the knife, but now I can’t find it. Do you know what it’s called and where it is? It may have been a “loop tool”, or something. I am pretty sure I did this with an alpha version of 2.8.

In case that wasn’t clear enough. I have a polygon on a model that I want to slice in half for better topology with the subdivision surface modifier. If I subdivide that polygon in edit mode, it creates 4 polygons. I just want 2 from the one.


Well there’s J if you select two or more vertices. There’s also Ctrl+R that lets you cut between two edges and add multiple loops. Neither of these are new to 2.8 though.

Loop cut isn’t what I need here. That would slice to many polygons. I just want to slice the one.

I tried J, but nothing happened. I tried control J as well as alt J, and shift J. Same thing. Nothing happened.

The thing I remember doing was like the knife tool, but different. Sorry I don’t know how to explain it better. And it was something new to 2.8. I saw it in a video for new things in 2.8, but I can’t remember which video. :frowning:

J is bound to “Vertex Connect Path” in the default Blender and Blender 27X keymaps. Looks like it’s not bound in the Industry Compatible if that’s what you’re using(or some other custom keymap). You can find Vertex Connect Path under Vertex menu.

I think what you are referring to is in edit mode, mesh, Bisect

I believe bisect cuts through the entire object. I just want to cut through one polygon.

I looked up “vertext connect path”. Thanks for mentioning it. It’s handy to know, but still not the thing I’m thinking of.

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What about selecting two edges, hit w then pick Subdivide? (also under Edge menu) I believe creating an edge between the two subdivided edges is new to 2.8 and it just created points you’d have to connect in 2.79.

Only if you select the hole object…if you just select vertices or edges it will only slice through those areas…

In the last example of lines, you would have to go in and join vertices…or just delete parts which ever you need…