I want to know the game developers who use Blender to create their assets.
I tried searching on Twitter with # b3d #blender #gamedev etc. but I didn’t get satisfactory results.
Most of them were artists and the gameplay footage was hard to find.
Recommend me if you know a good developer or social media, forum, thread.
Perhaps here if you visit often you might find some announcement of a game, but virtually 99% of any project posted here translates easily in a way or another to a game engine (such as Unity or Unreal).
Also in Sketchfab I have found lots of models created with Blender, as well in Artstation, but is a little bit more effort to spot them because you would have to first see the work produce and then figure out other details on descriptions.
You are right. I know that game assets are not heavily dependent on 3D programs.
But I just want to know the actual project on progress or completed case.
Or game developers who actively use Blender.
I have rarely seen news annoucements like these for Blender. If you are interested in processes and tips and tricks. You can start getting into these types of special websites for graphics artists or specific 3d magazines. Unfortunately not specific to Blender but at least you might have a clue on how to adapt these workflows into your own.
On ArtStation there is field for used software, so you can find there gamedev blender artists.