I want to make a Action-Adventure with GameBlender.
I have all Charas I need, but I do not know how to make an engine like the one of Zelda.
I need help!
Did you use Blender Game engine Before? Because if you want to make a game in blender, you should know how to set up the logic bricks. And making a game like zelda, will take some time.
I rendered some images before, but this is my first try to make a Game with Blender.
Er… what are logic bricks? :-?
I know that it’ll take some time, but I think have it.
I can help you after a project I and some friend are making
Someone made a zelda game, was it Saluk?
You could pick up your sword, kill enemies and read sign posts, I imagine it could be useful to look at.
Thanks for the doc and the help !
I hope I can get to work soon.
I can help ya… I think you need to come chat in #gameblender
Hmm… Zelda “like” game, so it isn’t Zelda game you want to do…
It’s not hard, but u have lots to do
Is it supposed to be toon shaded or with toonshaded textures?
COOL, someone who helps me.
Yeah. Zelda isn’t what I supposed.
I thought I make something like Seiken Denetsu in 3d.
And yes, it should be toon-shaded or have a toon-texture
I’ve read the doc just one minute ago and I think I can now move PacMan in four different directions.
Just a joke, it was very useful. I think I make some tests with the engine before I start my project.
Thx for the doc ashsid.
yea saluk made the zelda game, it was a long time ago though.
It was the first “good” blender game
Not so good now …
Oh I HAVE to see it!!!
Yeah, the old zelde game from Saluk was funny. Just one level I thought, but nice gameplay. I think I’ll search the web again for that cool little game. I’m tryig to collect some games, and maybe publish the a CD someday called Game Blender oldies.
Lol, the old website is still online. I download the old zelda game again. Link: http://www.angelfire.com/ego/spinhead/mesot.html
Btw, Saluk, I never could try the MD demo on that old website. Do you still have a copy on your pc of that demo game? The MD demo was the first game where you used the Big World script, right? I really wanna see that demo, but I never could try it.
Yah I have it around but theres no point in uploading. No bigworld script, just a big terrain to see how big I could make it. Very low polys too hehe.