I want to see if the community is interested in this.

This is just amazing, please keep doing what you do, I´m sure you will grab a lot of attention.

i’d be very interested to give it a shot

It looks amazing! I’d certainly pay for such a product!

Spanish praise/rant :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Viejo ese node group y los otros dos productos que mostraste (cielo y lens flares) parecen lo suficientemente buenos para ponerles un precio. La gente siempre va a esperar que las cosas sean gratis en este medio, y es especialmente cierto con Blender jeje. Si te confías sólo en donaciones seguramente habrá quien lo haga y el sistema funciona perfectamente bien, pero creo que dada tu situación es mejor si armas un sistema que permita venderlos desde el principio manteniendolo relativamente accesible. Si lo dejas por ejemplo entre 3 y 5 dolares, es bastante barato para la gran mayoría de usuarios de Blender, pero de 5 en 5 y al hacer la conversión de moneda podrías hacerte a un ingreso decente que permita hacer mantenimiento y actualización de los productos periódicamente. Actualizaciones trimestrales tal vez?

En Colombia no estamos en la misma situación que nuestros vecinos, pero cada vez más parece que vamos por el mismo camino, así que desde ya estoy pensando en opciones de ingresos que no dependan de mi moneda nacional, y en este momento vos tenés una muy buena oportunidad para superar, o al menos hacer más llevadera la crisis.

Yo diría que los publiques gratuitos para lograr que la gente lo ensaye y te de feedback, y de acuerdo a eso hagas las correcciones necesarias para publicar una versión de pago, ya sea en Gumroad o en el Blendermarket.
Yo ciertamente seré uno de tus compradores jeje.

Mucha suerte con este proyecto, la verdad es que pinta muy bien y puede convertirse en una gran opción para esos proyectos en los que se necesita buena calidad pero no hay tiempo (o presupuesto) para los tiempos de render de Cycles. :slight_smile:

I totally agree with julperado, you should sell them, not just expect donations, the price range julperado said is great, and as he says, it will allow you to maintain the tools.


You could see other Blender compositor nodes on sale out there to get an idea of the price:

And others prefer other sites to sell the product, such as:

Thanks everybody again for the wonderful feedback!.. I wasn’t expecting people trying to convince me of selling these things… but I’ll elaborate and reiterate on my decision of giving this (and other tools) away for free and rely on donations… Bear with me.

First of all, there is Blender… Blender itself is free, open source and it manages to keep alive and kicking with donations pretty well… Then, there is the issue I mentioned before. I don’t want to limit the use of this tool(s) only for people who have money or the fortune to be part of the current financial system…

I, myself don’t have a credit card, as a lot of things in this country, there’s a bureaucracy and difficulties beyond common sense to do what in other countries are simple, easy things. Since I don’t have a credit card, I can’t really use a personal PayPal account, I have to use a friend’s account (That’s why Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have become so popular and life savers in this and other struggling countries)… If I have to deal with all this problems to be able to spend dollars, I don’t wish anybody with my limitations to be left out (as I feel all the time with places and stores that only accept payment methods like PayPal)…

Now, if I sell this tool in other places like Blendermarket, I’d receive only a fraction of what you will pay, since Blendermarket and other places take a percentage of the money (which is fine and justified, I’m not complaining about that), the minimum price would have to be something like 5$, (in Venezuela that’s like 20% the minimum monthly wage, so not everybody will be able to pay 5$), If now we subtract the fees that PayPal takes for every transaction… At the end I’ll have about 2.5 $ (maybe even less), people will pay for a product whose creator, if lucky, only receives ~50% of it, and there’s that issue of a lot of people who want to try or buy the product, but simply can’t 'cause they’re not part of the financial system… This last thing is easy to forget when things in your country work ok.

Contrary to what people might think, Blender’s community is actually very fond of donating voluntarily instead of buying things, and since there are no limits to donating, people can donate either 11 cents or 124 $ or whatever they want… Or nothing at all and still enjoy the product. That’s the beauty of it!

And again, as I said before as well, I don’t want to feel pressured to maintain these products to a demanding audience. I’m planing on doing it anyway, but having to deal with poor Internet connection, power outages every other day and a 9 year old computer’s motherboard that can die at any time. I would feel bad and frustrated if time goes by and buyers start calling me a “scammer” because I don’t push frequent updates to a product.

For these reasons I keep my decision of keeping this (and hopefully other projects) free and only donation based. (:

And if you’re wondering, I’m about 80-90% ready for release!.. I’m finishing the manual and doing some last renders and tests. I’ll try to organize the spiderweb that is the internal node setup of the group, but I’m afraid it will still be dang difficult to understand. Hopefully if you spend enough time, you will… 'cause I’m sure you’ll want to know and understand the internals of the node, I know I would, haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, thanks as always for your feedback and hopefully tomorrow will be release day!

Ok, guys… I just posted the node!.. Feel free to test and use!

(Forum link): https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?419119-tuqueque-s-stuff!

Have a great day!

Wow after seeing these photos I am amazed

Lyrics Fundoo

Hey, this will probably be my last post in this thread, since the conversation sort of moved to the new thread in the “Latest News” section. I just wanted to inform you (in case you had problems trying/testing the node) that there was a compatibility issue with the first release of the node, but now is solved. Feel free to try it now.

Anyway, I’ll see you in the new thread. Thanks for your feedback over here!

I’m not Blender user :slight_smile: I’m here, but i’m rather fanboy of blender than user :). Donation is going to You right now :slight_smile:
Greetings from Poland :slight_smile:

hris, wow. Thank you very much!.. I received it!.. Have a great day!

One way to handle a combination of getting paid but publicly releasing is do “I’ll release it for everyone once I reach X donations”.

That would be a good middle ground between selling it and keeping it donation based… But I’ll still try to keep it donation based. So far it seems to be picking up a little bit of interest among users day by day. I’ve already received a few donations and I’m very happy and humbled by it. That has only motivated me to keep working on adding new stuff to the bundle, (:

As always, thanks for the feedback!

what about a method to take cube map samples using GLSL from a scene, and another method to update sections that change over time in a grid, (before rendering) and somehow if a reflection goes ‘outside screenspace’ use data from the cubemap?

(a hybrid approach to reflections)

@BluePrintRandom To be honest, that sounds more like a programming task and I know nothing about programming. The nodes and stuff I’m posting in the other thread are more of an “artistic” approach (it might be a good idea to move these questions & feedback over there, BTW). I know about physically correct concepts, I just play with faster ways to “cheat” a realistic, consistent look in less time, but with zero programming skills, I rely on node materials and compositing setups.