How to convert and material with bump map
to real geometry wich can be 3d printed?
Bump map is basically an array of height values. Displace modifier and set the bump map as a texture for it, then adjust values. There are many potential problems with that, but this isn’t a troubleshooting question, nor what would work in your use case.
but what is is is procedural textures (noise texture)
Like JA12 said, it is an array of height values, but the renderer uses this information to determine how to render the surface, bump maps however do not displace actual geometry, it is an illusion made at render time, so in your case, cannot be printed. You would have to have a mesh of fairly high density (depending on what texture effect you’re looking for) and use a displace modifier that will displace the geometry with that map. The geometry has to be actual geometry and not a subdivision modifier in order to be printable. I don’t know what you are trying to accomplish, so I don’t know how to help from here.
i have made alot of sheets before that has details of fabric and it was printed,
of course bump maps and normal maps are decreasing render time and using small memory
but i have procedural texture that i have made brushed metal with this procedural texture and want to use displace modifier from this texture, How to achieve this?
what are the dimensions for this object ?
and did you check if you can print that in 3D?
depends on the size of the small details on that object !
happy bl
yes i can print it it is 30cm * 30cm
and i can resize it but the problem with transfering noise map with alot of adjustment to texture
can i export material to be displace?
can i use normal map?
i don’t want to print the whole object?
it is only for demonstrating i will print only surface top as sheet metal of 30cm
is this a 3D surface
pic does not show - it looks very flat !
with displacement modif you need to add a lot of subdivision to get nice clean result.
may have to test it so save your file with different name so if you need to come back you have the original file.
after you apply the modifier it will be real geometry which can be printer
and it will be high res
happy bl
Bake the bump texture part on an image, and use a high bit depth format to save it. Exr format is the no nonsense option, but any with higher than 8 bits should do. One way to bake it is to connect the texture to emission shader, and bake emission.
thanks alot
but there is no way to bake bump map while baking there is normal map only
There is no direct way to bake procedural displacement texture. But an indirect.
Plug your height output into Principial “Base Color” socket. Now you can bake it.
(Direct/Indirect deactivated, Color Space -> Non-Color, OpenEXR float does not clamp image)
Happy blending.
what if i have normal map from online can i use it as displacemnt modifier
I dont think you can. A normal map contains a vector field of normals. Normals are unit vectors, their length is 1.
You do need a kind of height map or vector map, which is not limited to unit vectors.