I wonder if this has anything to do with Eevee not working well on AMD cards?

Has nVidia infiltrated Blender Development Team!?

Just for laughs. I hope they don’t shoot me a driver update to kill my 1080 and 970.

The issue is more in the vein that advanced graphics code written for Blender (as with nearly every other DCC app.) tends to just work on Nvidia cards while needing tweaks and other fixes to run on AMD cards. Look around on other 3D forums such as the Modo community, nearly every major graphics issue is reported by AMD owners.

It all comes down to drivers (and hopefully the new managers at Radeon Technologies Group, who are also graphics veterans, will get their dev. team going on fixing the longstanding issues). This is why the Blender developers use Nvidia cards and why AMD users wanting to use 2.8 will likely have to wait until the bugfixing phase. The fact that the initial Vega cards run hot and suck power out of the box (compared to Nvidia’s cooler and power-efficient Pascal line) does not help either (and there’s hope of Radeon’s new management fixing that issue too). I know that Vega can be efficient with setting tweaks, but then you don’t quite get Nvidia’s performance for a similar price.

It’s hard to vouch for Nvidia after I watched that video, but they do have superior product & service at this day and age.

Knowing they actually implemented things in the past to not work properly when AMD/ATI hardware is in presence is beyond me.

As much as I like 1080’s performance, I don’t think Nvidia should be able to get away with what they had done and possibly still doing. They seem to be getting better at being just and fair, but who really knows.

AMD’s goal right now is to have future GPU’s that give 1080 performance at just 250 USD, if they can do that and make sure they are cool and efficient, then it will be easier to tell Nvidia to knock off what they are doing (because we would now have a very solid alternative with equivalent specs.).

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In fact, AMD contributed with paid developers in Blender 2.8.

But it is known that AMD/ATI with each new driver release some things are fixed, but other things are broken. They should invest once and for all to achieve long-term stable drivers without breaking them at every release.

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