I would like to act on hidden objects

I see blender loves fancy concepts rather than efficiency. There is shortcut to parent, but not to unparent. It’s half done.

Indeed, I am very “industry standard” based, only strong principles declined everywhere are better than particular cases. Complex is better than complicated.

I loved Softimage for that, never seen a better interface and workflow, maya and 3ds max are clumsy compared to it.

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Blender has a half-unwritten rule that goes “you can edit what you can see”. It’s not just half-unwritten, it’s also half-applied, as you observed. I also wish I could edit invisible objects, unfortunately that’s not possible by design.

Sure you can, same shortcut

Generally there is very little inconsistency between editors and contexts in Blender, so there’s that. But some (rare) shortcuts are inverted/inconsistent between editors. At least you can change everything to your liking

You can unparent by dragging an object with Shift into some empty space (read the hints, it would say “Clear”).

Finished chewing on your foot yet?

in a complete different way than the 3D viewport, why so crual? 3D is not so complicated enough, let’s put a bit on top of that.

You know, I have an important work to do, and I am struggling building (passes) layers with a scene that turned to a swamp, and now I start to regret switching to Blender

If you have nothing to say, better stick to it.

Thanks for the explainations. I was half-aware there are different shortcuts depending on viewports, not really looking into it for years

Well, I don’t know. Let’s say the default keymap still has some room for improvement. You can add a shortcut yourself for parenting in the outliner with ctrl+p, but I’m not aware of a mechanism that would let you parent objects in the viewport by dragging one over the other. Food for thought !

I’m not a render guru but if you start a thread in the relevant section I’m sure someone will help. You can then link to it here

Hmm… so there is:


Hide and Disable toggles the visibility and the influence of the whole collection and Exclude (for collections only) does take the whole collection “out of existence” (even in the outliner) and makes it all visible again (unhide) after that…

Expect the last one this also decribed in the docs.blender manual editors outliner interface …restriction-columns

And i don’t understand your…

…if i exclude a collection then nothing of this is rendered… so it don’t understand what’s wrong here: your expectations (different from the docu) or your perception ???

…and according to all the industry standard… you are free to spent your money on that… :person_shrugging:

I understand when someone is a bit displeased about something… but moaning doesn’t help anyone at all.

Ho nice. Such kind people here. Questionning my questions all along, go away if you’re not happy.

You are paraphrasing the issue I raised, and explaining me it is not one, because… it is written in the doc. A previous link in comments already explained the why.

So I guess it’s all fine then. Who am I to look for efficient ways to work?

Who is your lecture helping mr help? Feel free to not bother yourself to “help” me anymore.

You had issues because you expected the checkmark icon :white_check_mark: to have a specific function …unhide… but it is exclude … which is even shown in the mouse hover help tips… so the problem is: You made a wrong assumption.

:thinking: …so now you are getting mad at me ??? I guess nothing what i can (ever) say would satisfy you…

Good luck.

no, I want to unload the collection to make the layer lighter and work on it, and that’s what it does. that I explained in the comments.

So apart of putting words in my mouth and not reading the thread, what do you bring here exactly?

…but AFAIK this is exactly the hide function which is not resetting anything but toggleing…

…so i think this was just a missconception about what things in the GUI do what…

…or maybe i just don’t get it… so be at ease… i’m not fighting you… so please don’t fight me…