I would need advices from pro's

Here is my last model
and I want to make everything look as realistic as real life, kinda lord of the rings or harry potter, whaterver…
I won’t paste all the pictures here cos they’r huge, the rest of it is in the following link. have a look here : http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
Theire are no textures yet(only temporary ugly procedurals to see how it renders out). I want my model to be finished before to unwrap and make the diffuse/bump/roughness/specular… maps. But I am not sure I’ll get the same as http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Gollum-sam.jpeg
Please give me some advices, critics, what chocks you the most from first sight, I am currently learning, so feel free to give constructive feedback to me … (the image bellow looks less darker in full screen view with no bright light around it, comming from the site background,believe me :wink: although it is not the only one, please check the link as this was the first render)

(Edit: ok, as noone seems to know how a link works, I’ll post the other images down here :stuck_out_tongue: hope it is not too dark now - yes sarcasm it is, lol)



Im no pro but my first impression is its too dark to see properly.

whell that’s precisely why I ask advices from pro’s, lol
at least, did you notice the link I’ve given ? you could have a better idea, but If you barely care, don’t bother :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: no offense
besides it looks dark because the web site is very bright, eyes and the brain auto adjus contrast and brighness, try to see it full screen , you’ll see what I mean, but you’re right it is kind a dark, in that render, i use blender mist(I 've done that render at night with a simple lightball above my head so… :slight_smile: ), but there are other screenshots

Whether Hazza or I are pro’s doesn’t really matter right now. That rendering is too dark even for this website. Maybe add some more lamps in there. The expression doesn’t go very well with the piece either. Try adding a background to finish it off instead of just laying out a black one with mist. A good start but very far off from finished.

thx for the reply , you’re right that one is far from being finish, but I think, I’ll post all the other images because 't seems beeing pro to me is for instance to check out all the pictures, not just one lol.
here they are folk, check the top of the thread. too bad I cannot size the image in the elysiun submit page.anyway
thx m8

ok I’l also do this :
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/
please check http://membres.lycos.fr/rompelstilchen/

I guess now people won’t have any excuse to miss it

You just posted ~20 identical links to your home page :smiley:

I think that was the point…As I said before he needs a different expression. Now that I see the other pics he also needs a more natural pose. What you’ve got right now looks very stiff. The creature almost looks as if he is stuffed. I would rig him up with a simple rig and give him other poses.

Streen youre absolutely right but I don’t want to create the rigging/mapping before the modeling is totaly done
You have to first do the modeling then the rest unless you use somethin’ like ZBrush
the textures I used and points of view are just test rendering
but even if I do all that is needed, I cannot imagine my perso to look as realistic as golum for instance
2nd, for the hair, blender might not be the best to use, i don’t know
the particle system is quiete complete but also realy basic, unless I use latices or I model each hair one by one, don’t know what to choose.the hair plugin is not complete enough yet as far as I know

I also guess that if I add the differents mapping, it will look more real/rich but the sss script is not realy helping. I want it to look like those:


thei’re just amazing

hope you see what I mean. oh yeah and a nice dof effect would be great to, but first the modeling :slight_smile:
I first tried to import from ZBrush to Blender but man, a pain in the arse, so many polys that Blender was strugelling against the CPU

yeah, a joke, you know ?! :smiley:

All you need to do that is a bump map then UV map it to your character. Maybe add a diffuse map as well.

I’m a little confused as to what you are actually looking for in advice…
From what I’ve read, you want advice on texturing, not on modelling.
If you want advice for how to make your model better from a technical standpoint, read my sig below…
As for texturing, check out this link for texturing skin. It has everything you could want to know to make your model look realistic texture-wise.
Here’s another great texturing reference.
And one more skin tutorial.
Hope this helps… happy blending!

actualy I think I almost finished the modeling
and I am trying to look forward texturing advices
but i need the model to be finished/desymetrised/characterized to unwrap the whole budy
guys, you just rock. thx

I was also wondering if anyone knows ho to setup the “real” diffuse map in blender
as “color map” is the color texture itself and the “diffuse map” is the opposite of the “specular map”

how do you split diffuse and map in blender ?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Uhm…could you rephrase the question?

Uhh I think realism is gained through lighting and texturing work. So you should first paint textures and start lighting, then people can help you :wink:
Notice that colormaps don’t have to be drawed so fine (only in regions that have mere color changes) because the skin hase color transitions, not edges. This statements expires when you want to paint blood birthmarks and so on. But that might be clear ^^

And you should try to light this scene from one side, so everybody can see more details, because they cast shadows


A colour map is a diffuse map, as it only affects the diffuse shader (note that nothing changes with the spec unless you set spec (whereby the texture alters the value of the spec at a point) or csp (where the texture alters the colour of the spec at that point (not necessarily the value, although if you set a black texture there it will eliminate the spec)).

So by default the texture changes only the diffuse component of shading (or specifically, its colour)-> is a diffuse map…


thx m8, I assumed that but I wanted confirmation from someone else
no need to split diffuse/color phenomena in a software…

hmmm, you’re kinda right but I am always afraid to head the wrong direction and waste work time for nothing. + if my caracter is not great without textures, no point of having great textures.maybe I should model something simpler for the tests before I go on with this perso.

It is just that I find it hard to admit that using something as sss wil give the nice transparent skin effect. if you see what I mean
so far I set it to something lower than 0.2 but the result is not great
Anyway thx for the tips. I just need the courage to put my hands in the dirt lol.thx


real life : diffuse <> color
raytracer : difuse = color

something like that :wink: