For everyone reading this later:
This all started in this thread:
ICARUS itself is available here:
I have finished the first version of the ICARUS import script. It is very simple, just type in the filename or use the fileselector to load a ICARUS Camera Calibration textfile, and click the ‘Create Curves’ button. The data will be converted to two IPO curves, one for the camera movement and one for the Camera Lens. Unfortunately, once again there are some values you will have to set manually, since there is no access to them using the current or the new python API. I tried to make the script Publisher compatible, but as I still don’t have the ‘real’ version 2.25, I can’t fully test this, and so I am not sure if it will work at all in Publisher.
Remember that besides camera movement tracking, you can make really powerful use of Blender’s ‘sticky’ texture mapping option. See this simple 5 minute test, not very good looking of course, but you get the idea, no texture export of ICARUS was used, just the sticky mapping option on the first frame of the ‘building’ example:
And finally, here is the file, I’m sure bugs will be found, as it was all relatively short and fast work:
edit: small update, mainly explanations for use with 223, and might work better in 225, but still can’t really test that…
another update, now really Publisher compatible. Also added a quick readme file with some short info.
Another update, wiensta mailed me about future enhancements of ICARUS that has extra feature point data in the exported file, this is now handled correctly.
Updated to ICARUS V2.00, although I’m not sure if it actually works as it should.
update 5, FOV calculation corrected, now also includes the option to import feature point data as a mesh.
update 6:
fileformat changed, script updated