ok, I think it is time to close this. It went on even too much, starting from an experiment
All blender, render in cycles. Hope you like it!
FullRes: http://oi60.tinypic.com/2n1xt1.jpg
ok, I think it is time to close this. It went on even too much, starting from an experiment
All blender, render in cycles. Hope you like it!
FullRes: http://oi60.tinypic.com/2n1xt1.jpg
What is 3D and what is postproduction?
I agree. Very impressive!
How long did that take you?
Wow! All in blender?? Fantastic if it’s true!
looks amazing!
Wow. Amazing stuff. I’d pay the iron cost to have seen the timelapse.
looks great,the human figure doesn’t fit in(some prob with proportions?)
thank you guys! I am really happy you enjoy the render!
@TwoDeer: sorry man… I did not make a timelapse! All the times I finish a work I tell to my self to do a timelapse for the next one, but then I always forget :D… and afterall this started as some playing around, so I did not think about a timelapse at all. I hope next time I will have something more to show you!
@Remade: yeah scale is not correct, I tried to adjust it with relative size, but something could still be off. Do you think the figure is too big or small? (I have an idea, but I want to check if is the same as yours )
wow nice! :yes:
what fantastic render sir, looks like a frame of a epic movie, rememberme the lord of the rings, congra ts five stars!.
Dang that’s beautiful. I think in the last two years or so this forum has started to live up to the artists part of its name. 5* from me.
Wow. Lovely atmosphere! Reminds me of Skyrim.
Impressive, looks great!
Fantastic work!
Fantastic. Reminds me of Skyrim.
Wow awesome job! it looks epic.
Beautiful. Phenomenal job.
Not sure if it’s the scale of the character or not. Making the character and his footsteps smaller would certainly sell the large scale of the mountains and structure. But I think it’s a question of depth: it looks very much like the character and the mountains are almost in the same (z) plane, like the figure is only 30 feet away from a mini mountain.
Adjusting the blur/depth of focus could change this. Adding more atmosphere haze could make it look like the mountain is further away. You could try reducing contrast on the mountain so it appears further away.
Maybe the problem is the way it’s lit: one light shining on both the mountain and the figure when really the mountain is 1km away and lit by completely different lighting.
Some thoughts…
Really nice work!
If the gatekeepers don’t let the robed figure in it’s going to be a long night…
Do you think the figure is too big or small?
i feel it could be 3/4 current size,and also more light,now it feels like a black dot,standing out frm rest of image.