Ice Pillars help?

Soo I was messing around with Array modifiers and such, but I just can’t get a good result with it.
I should only have 6 Pillars / arches , but when I use 6, Its either only half , or a weird shape.
12 Works fine but it is inaccurate.


( Pillars/Arches from Disney’s Frozen Elsa’s Ice Palace )

You’re not going to show us what you are talking about ?
You MUST also supply a demo blend file for review

Sorry just assumed that people would know , as the movie is popular


Demo.blend (512 KB)

Hopefully someone can help


Don’t know why You use a Mirror Modifier…It’s important scale of Object is 1…1 of the object don’t have scale 1 on z.
Use Ctrl -a to set scale to 1.

It’s important Your Object is on the Object offset’s Origin…Select the Object offset - Press Shift - s…Select - Cursor to selected.
Select Your Object - Press Shift - s…Select - Selected to Cursor…

Try this:

Add a Empty and add a sphere…Add Array Modifier to sphere…Count are 6.

Select Empty…Press r 60 enter or left click…It will make a circle.

You can move Empty x - y to size it…Hope this help a little.

There are many way to do it this is just one…:slight_smile:


Soo basically what I’ve been doing the whole time has been correct,
It’s just a pain to get them to connect the way I want?

Thank you for replying at least though.