Iceberg ...(aka CUDA error)

Hi There! For a few days I’ve been working on a fully procedural iceberg shader, and I need some critique. Something just doesn’t seem right to me, and I don’t know what it is. There is no post processing, it’s just a raw render.

Small Update, I need some opinions.


I suppose it has less to do with the render, and how iceberg fragments tend to buckle down when they fall off?
I’m not too sure if this was the answer you’re looking for but I do hope it helps :slight_smile:

edit: it looks damn beautiful btw

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I was thinking about adding a particle system to it, but the whole scene is using micro displacement, and adding milions of particles would be impossible to handle for my computer…Maybe there is simpler way to create this? nothing comes to my mind right now.

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That’s honestly tru… hmm
How I’d approach this as a complete beginner was to just manually piece the big slate of ice falling off to smaller irregular sizes, since they do break instead of disintegrate
You could add a few decent sized “particle” rocks too, in some areas, to give the breaking of the pieces a more 'thump’ful feeling, yknow what I mean?

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Yes. My pc is screaming at me right now haha. I’ll try to add some smaller particles, maybe it won’t explode.

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ahh, big mood :nod:
good luck with it all tho :slight_smile:
you can do it :smiley:

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