I'd call this finished...

Some of you may have noticed my relicy thinger mabobber in the WIP forums, and, now, as I can’t think of anything to do with it, I call it finished…


Hey, this is my first actual finished project…

P.S. Don’t make fun of my “table” texture, I just needed something to put the thing on…

well it looks good, but a richer environment would be nice.

i agree with modron (man, he is fast! hes faster than me!)

How about adding a spot light to cast a few shadows and maybe a bump map to give the anke’s (sp?) surface a bit more interest.

nice, nothing to be done on the cross itself. maybe a church-like enviroment?

Actually, there are spot lights, all of them set to cast shadows, yet the shadows don’t show up.

Jeeves: are the meshes set to cast and recieve shadows ? I think you have to tick those options in some versions of blender.

you sure you got “shadows” switched on in render buttons?

Yes and yes.

Just because I can, here’s a YafRAY render… There’s no transparency, mainly because I just learned how to use YafRAY, and, if you can’t see them, the shadows are by the head.


i wish i could get yafray to work, i see the shadow now btw!

Took me forever… But then again, I AM dumber than the average bear… Erm, person…