I spent quite a few months going through the most popular course on blender in unity, but I haven’t gotten far at all when it comes to just trying to make something. I really need to find a good place to learn how to make animations with characters, and action; lots of action. The only problem though, is that even though I seemed to do really well with the Udemy course, I barely know how to do anything on my own; I’m like a kid lost in a workshop, looking for a how-to-guide. If anyone knows of any solutions or things to do, please feel free to comment
I’m just going to be a brat here and point out how counterproductive it is for you to ask for solutions when the problem seems to be you can’t do things on your own. I mean, let that sink in for a minute.
That small commentary aside, the devil’s in the details. What exactly is it that you can’t get right? Modeling? Sculpting? Topology? Texturing? Unwrapping? Baking? Setting up the rig? Posing the rig? Getting appeal out of your animations? Be specific.
General rule of thumb: nothing is more daunting than a blank canvas. Get something done, no matter how simple, post it here. Then you can say, I’d like to get this and this to be more like that and that. It’s at that point that someone may be able to give you a hand. But right now all I can really tell you is, designing, modeling, sculpting, retopologizing, texturing, rigging and animating a character is a very complex process and it requires lots of patience and learning.
Ok, thanks. I’d just really like to know of some good places to learn, since I’ve done the udemy course and have done several tutorials on youtube, but they’ve only helped me very slightly.
Try doing an internet search, and learn the topic on “brain storming”. Find articles that explain creativity. If you already know how to draw, then you can try going to the ctrl + paint store, and getting a video on design basics. That last one is only a suggest, and not sure if it’s going to help you.
First I would suggest reading the “animator’s survival guide” You can find pdf’s of it everywhere, but then I would suggest Khun’s accadamy Pixar in a box After that, I would suggest small stretch projects, learning the mechanics of how to do this or that is cool, but what it feels like is that you have not learned how to use what you have learned. Or in other words you have learned the vocab of a language, and you simply lack an understanding of the grammar of said language as you attempt to engage in poetry.