Idea: LOD's on slider

“LOD’s on Slider”

The object LOD’s(level of detail) viewer and comparison tool.

Something like this:

In Object Mode user can assign the layers to the horizontal bu-scale bar and set the switch on/off point distance for each layer.

The user can adjust the view-point/camera distance to the object center or 3D cursor and the layers will switch on & off automatically according to the preset switch point values.

A single object LOD viewing tool bar
Layer1 object1:L1 Layer2 object1:L2 Layer3 object1:L3
Scale (bu): 0-----------------|---------------------|--------------------|-
The bu value:…100… 400…1600
Master Slider:/\

Counters for visible

  • Objects
  • Vertices
  • Faces
  • view point distance

The “|” marking the layers switching point. These can adjust with mouse by dragging them to the certain point or with type in method.

The Master slider adjusts the viewing point/camera distance from the object/scene center.

User can manipulate the Master slider with mouse cursor by dragging it or with mouse wheel.

The non-assigned layers can use freely for scene, lights, static objects & etc.

The screen can be split normally: 3D + 3way or just 3D etc

The Group option

Multiple objects in same scene

GROUP 1 for object 1 LOD’s
Layer1 Layer2 Layer3
Scale (bu): 0-----------------|---------------------|---------------|—
The bu value:… 100… 400…1600…

GROUP 2 for object 2 LOD’s
Layer4 Layer5 Layer6
Scale (bu): 0-----------|--------------------|-----------------|---------
The bu value:… 70…300…1000…

GROUP 3 for object 3LOD’s
Layer7 Layer8
Scale (bu): 0----------------------------|------------------------------|----
The bu value:…200…2000…
Master Slider:^

What you think?

It you can make it …! Awsome… other wise , stop teasing us :stuck_out_tongue: