There’s lots of rage in the video game community as to how graphics are improving, but gameplay and such isn’t. I think we should give them a few good ideas as to how we can improve games. Here’s my ideas for license games:
To Nintendo: You’ve got one wickedly innovative game called “Pokemon,” but you’ve got to do something really good to get people to buy it next time. Simply changing the colors won’t work. Here’s an idea. You meet trainers like “Hiker,” “Lass,” “Youngster,” and even your rival. But no matter what, you’re always the same person: Good old Ash, total good-guy. Change that. Let us become a hiker, a bug catcher, whatever. Over the course of gameplay or at the beginning–whatever. Heck, let’s see more customization of our characters and maybe a bit of story changing. That would be even cooler.
To Atari (from my brother): Your anime licenses are cool, but die-hard anime fans absolutely MUST have Japanese language audio with English subtitles. And quit it with the kiddie thing; give us the hard stuff, with cuss words. “Yu Yu Hakusho” and “Dragon Ball Z” weren’t made for kids, they were made for teenagers, and if you’re going to get a “Teen” rating, then why not just go all the way? Oh, and why not a “Blue Gender” game? Here’s his list:
YYH: RPG (Dark Tournament could have fighter, but the beginning of the show would make a good RPG)
DBZ: RPG (NO CEL-SHADING! Oh, and dialogue from the manga version)
BG: Shoot-Em-Up (It seems more suitable for the show to be put up as a shooting game)
To Bandai (from both of us): As long as you’re getting the license, then why not make “Cowboy Bebop” games? There’s a “Cowboy Bebop” game in Japan, so why not translate it… no, don’t, but give it subtitles and give it to us on the PlayStation as a budget title? It seems so suitable for a video game (flying, bounty-hunting, and small dialogue text mini-games on the Bebop).
To Fox Interactive: In short: You absolutely MUST make a flipping “24” game! It would rock, and you gave “Dark Angel” fans a video game, so why not? You could switch between characters: Kim would escape from the kidnappers, Jack would pursue the terrorists and protect David Palmer, and David would deal with Presidential problems! (And if you do make it, make it so that you can’t press pause until you’ve gone through an hour, or maybe get to a commercial break!)
Oh, and a few ideas as to what they should try out as new video games:
Karma: Play as an amnesiac and do whatever you want. Find out what caused the amnesia, pursue criminals, and pretty much anything the game allows you to do.
InfiniGame: Make a game where you can play a billion times and experience plenty of different things. Create a character, then play through a lot of stories, help people with missions, or do anything in freestyle mode.
I’m sure they can make plenty of really, really, really, really imaginative games. They just need to think.