ik togle botton

Hi , im doing thie manual you can download in this page and in chapter character animation , i got this problem it says that beside the bone botton it should be an ik botton but is not anymore , instead its a conect botton.
where is the ik togle botton ?

See the “Auto IK” button one pane to the left? Try that!

The information you’re using is old. Bones used to have an IK button to indicate if they were part of an IK chain. It doesn’t work like that any more.

Now you set the chainlen to tell Blender how many bones to include in the chain.

If you want to learn about IK, you really would be better off following a newer tutorial since it’s much better now and uses a lot less bones than the old method. Following an old tutorial may well drive you to tears if you’re not aware of the differences.

thanx , do u know where can i find newer documentation to dowbload or the blender summer of doc , cause my computer in not online ?