Illusion Mage

Does anyone have experience with Illusion Mage? They have a alluring little website that claims to make 3-D animation simple (which is the first red flag, because I have some experience with DAZ Studio and know that “3-D animation” and “simple” don’t really go together). They seem to be selling software, but them mention Blender a couple times. Is this tutorials for Blender or a plug in or what? :confused:

I have hesitated trying to learn Blender because I have heard it is difficult (and that comes from the users at Daz, which is pretty involved itself).

Thanks alot - that’s enough to piss someone off. Wish there was more I could do. I’m not even a Blender User (yet) but that’s really irritating. Wonder if contact with google would do anything?

Google doesn’t know or would do anything about it. They don’t care. “Illusion Mage” is simply Blender repackaged - if you were thinking about getting it I think you just got a deal :wink: hop on over to and download it for free!

Learning Blender isnt difficult now atleast with so cool websites like blender cookie where they are publishing a new tut almost every day.
yes its good you applied a lil brain posting here before wasting all ur money cos that software is all scam they just changed the splashed screen of blender and its nothing but some old version of blender maybe 3.4x series.

there is nothing like “create a beautiful pixar like animation” button in this world. so you can try blender 2.5x series for a super cool experience.

rest is all upto u.