ILM.Pixar or Weta

Seriously you Aussies and Kiwis need to love each other more. Anything to stop the inbreeding. :smiley:
Please, stop posting poor and tasteless jokes. There are plenty of Australians on this forum, please respect that.

I believe Pixar is much more than just a ‘kiddie company’. In a world where most films are sequels or inspired by books or comics, I think its refreshing to see a company willing to take a risk and create a film for the sake of creating a story. They are far more noteworthy, imo, than most film companies who generate profits by recycling old ideas. And it shows in how successful they are. With the exception of Meet the Robinsons, which I hated, they have created an outstanding array of stories that will be remembered as pioneering, risky, excellent in plot and execution, and most of all original. It has created a model the many of the ‘grown-up’ companies should strive to follow. I would proudly work for Pixar.

And lets not forget those small companies who also work hard to produce original work hard to generate new material one shoestring budgets. I respect that as well. I’d happily work for them too ;).

Weta all the way, baby! Though I’m partially biased…:smiley: I don’t really want to move out of the US though, so I’m working toward an ILM modeling job. Pixar does animated cartoon stuff, ILM is a realistic visual effects house, which is more my cup of tea.


Osxrules: Pixar make crappy kid/family movies and I bet they have tours with kids and their dumb kid-loving families. Blech.
Australia (same as New Zealand in my book) has girls that look like Alltaken. Wait a minute, nobody ever said he was a guy. :eyebrowlift2: They have one or two pretty girls but there’s way too much open space, you’d never find them. People saying bonzer all the time and only being able to drink beer.

Actually it would be none of them. I’d go for a smaller studio that used Renderman and Shake like these guys: That way you get more input instead of just being a small cog in a big machine.
You sir, are just biased and seem to want only “adult” movies.
I personally, enjoy Pixar’s films and think they are far
from “kiddy” oriented. The Incredibles had plenty of humor
for the adults. What is wrong with having a family story?

And please note that I am not trying to start a debate,
and do not mean to offend anyone.

I want to work at Pixar someday… :eyebrowlift2:

Industrial Light and Magic and Weta Digital are pretty cool too.
Dreamworks has fairly good cg but I don’t like Shrek, it relies
way too much on crude humor. And I always do like to see
the little guy jump in to the mainstream and do some good,
hard work!

Yeah, except it was Disney who made that one.

I’d probably go with Pixar, too. They know how to tell stories, how to make things look just the way they should, how create characters full of emotion…oh, and working there looks like fun.

If I had to go with one of the major studios, I’d go Rhythm & Hues all the way. They treat their people really well, have strong business ethics, put out top-notch work, and are independent. And from what I’ve heard of their company culture, it would suit me well.

Please, stop posting poor and tasteless jokes. There are plenty of Australians on this forum, please respect that.

Ahh, it’s all in good fun. After all, OSXRules is just another Englishman (well, he’s a Scot but they’re all the same, in my book. They are basically the kiwis of the UK.). And besides, as Aussies* it’s hard to be insulted when we know everyone wishes they lived here.

*As both an Englishman and an Australian, I feel equally qualified to comment on both sides of the discussion.

Pixar = Kids’ movies??? Have you seen how many people DIED in The Incredibles?

Hi all
funny how a thread about working at a vfx company becomaes a flame war about an animation company.
I am also form australia (anyone ever heard of Nimbin?), and while I also don’t appreciate the anti-aussie jokes, my highland (scottish) blood begins to boil when scots are called english (or kiwi)!

I have to say, pixar make about the only ORIGINAL mainstream films today, and they do it well too. The incredibles is in no way a kids film, and even Nemo has more relevance to fathers than kids on a thematic level. Anyone who thinks Pixar’ films atre just for5 kids must be a sad adult!

Pixar are also responsible for some of the most profound advances in CG technology, as mentioned before. The influence of renderman alone of VFX today cannot be overstated, and thats not to mention sub-D’s and the rest.

But while pixar have defined 3d-animation, don’t forget that disney defined 2d animation and no-one should be-little them for that.

Also ILM defined VFX and should also be respected for that.

I agree that even cleaning the monitors in one of those companies would be a great experience, but for some it is just work, and very hard work at that.

BTW sub-surface scattering was used in Shrek, the original shrek. Long before Golumn or the incredibles.

Also, there is at least one gorgeous girl here in Australia, and she lives with me and loves me lots (and tolerates my bagpipes!).


lol nice one

Tasteless, yes; poor, yes but… oh wait that’s all. C’mon tasteless or not people need humor to liven up their lives. You’ll thank me some day. :wink:

Ah, ok now you’ve put it in terms I understand. Yeah the kiwis are nothing like Aussies. :no:

Yeah, I hate the cold weather up here and we’ve got more than our fair share of ugly women. At least you guys have the weather.

Ok, I’m siding with the Kiwis now I know you’re English. :stuck_out_tongue:

Y’know Bambi’s mom died too. It’s the way they die. It needs to be more Kill Bill style.