Hi everybody!
I’m new to Blender and the forum. I’m trying to model a katana for a cinematic I’m going to make, but the guard part caused a lot of problems. At first, I tried to model by shrinking a cylinder, but I tried to get the look I wanted by cutting, but I think I got such a bad topology because I couldn’t connect the vertices properly. I don’t know how I got such a bad looking model and how to fix it. Model’s topology is sucks. Edge flows suck. When I try to add a loop cut, I cannot cut along the model and I am very frustrated. I don’t know what modifiers I need to add to get a smooth look. S.O.S!
Can you share an image of what you’re using as reference? Knowing your end result helps a lot with knowing what to suggest
This is the reference image I used:
But since I’m new to the forum, it doesn’t allow me to upload more images. That’s why I will share the images in other replies.
Welcome …
well… by all the things you descriped it seem you are trying to do step 2 before step 1.
First you have to establish the basic form and then maybe try to refine some details via modifier. Nontheless you have to know a bit about them. Also showing only the “result” doesn’t help anyone to maybe have a glimpse on the inital problem. So you might show also or first your “pure topology”?
I overlooked the other image… but it seems it does have overlapping edges ??
In your case the modifiers are not helping. especially the bevel.
When using subdivision the geometry gets stretched and deformed.
The bevel modifier coupled with the subdivision is the culprit of those faces stretching over the corners.
If you get rid of the bevel modifier the corners will not have those faces stretching over them
You can then add a couple of support loops to make the corner sharper.
It is probable that you have a few more problems there, so this will not be a magic solution, but to get rid of those stretching faces you need a few support loops.
The bevel modifier (and bevels in general) often cause topology problems that need to be corrected afterwards (not always).
This is what it would look like if you apply the bevel modifier to my first screenshot (without the subdivision.)
The face and edges that I have selected are the ones that get stretched/pulled by the subdivision modifier.
I just draw this and extrude it. I don’t understand how I should add more details?
The pink areas occurred because I made a “crease”. I often try to remove overlapping vertexes by selecting all vertices and using the “Merge by distance” command, but sometimes I see inner face of normals in places I do not understand. Or black areas that move when I move the camera.
I will watch. Thank you for your help.
When using subdivision, you shouldn’t get any sharp corner touching the edges. Take this flat shape you have created, select all the faces, then use the inset tool. This will allow each hole to have an extra edge loop that borders every edge and hole, insulating the creased edges from the sharp corners.
Also, you should avoid n-gons (5-sided faces or more), they don’t subdivide well. A subdivided mesh should ideally be made entirely of quads.
Thank you for your help. I added 2 edge loops on both sides and a small deformity remained. I guess I’ll have to do more research. I wonder how you check which faces are stretched and how?
But there are lot of n-gons… and… wait… the oval shapecan be doen by scaling along Y
CatanaThing.blend (122.3 KB)
Yes because there are other problems with your topolgy.
I prefer to use support loops rather than “sharp edges”, they give you much more control. Maybe it is the sharp edges that are doing that, it is hard to tell without seeing your file.
second etn249’s comment.
As a general rule with subdivision you need loops that surround the outline.
Look at the loops I have selected.
I did use inset to inset the top faces.
Here is the file.
gaurd.blend (115.0 KB)
Looks more advanced then my simple example…
Its all good practice
one of the reasons we all like these questions is that they are good practice. Topolgy and subD modeling is a complex subject and requires a fair bit of practice to get nice results.
Do not be afraid of starting fresh the more you practice the more you will understand.
Yeah. I’m still at the beginning of the journey, but I’m determined to be a good modeler. Since I’m good at Solidworks, I thought I could handle this quickly, but they both have completely different approaches. That’s why I can get overwhelmed sometimes.
Thank you guys very much. You guys gave me a very warm welcome from my first post. This is my 2nd home now. I will be here every day. Until I met Hideo Kojima.
Even some profesional users of maya or Studio3DS or Cinema4D “struggle” with this… and then there seems to be LightWave 3D user… who… there is a whole thread about the LW brought back from the dead…
Yes they are very different approaches, I started 3D with Autocad and had the same dilemma as you when I swapped to mesh modeling. Getting smooth meshes with subd modeling is tricky at first, the concepts of topology and end edge flow are very important.
Modifiers are very useful but can also add to the complexity, sometimes they will create bad topology that needs to be fixed.
You will get there and hopefully find satisfaction out of creating these things.
Now that you bumped the thread I have taken the opportunity to update the file I posted because I left 3 overlapping faces, which just goes to show that we all make mistakes even after years of practice!
I also made the whole thing a bit thicker and smoothed the sharp edges a bit (by putting the support loops a little further from the corner edges)
Modelling methods are different from CAD tools.
You can get information about topology modeling from the link below.