I'm Bringin Sexy Back

So this needs something, but i can’t figure it out. so give me a little help.


I’m guessing from the gray skin, he is supposed to be undead? I would suggest giving more visual indicators to that. maybe rotten splotchyness. and dead peoples eyes lose pigment quickly. they become pale
It’s a good likeness. the hat looks to be a lower quality than the rest though

are you going for op art? High contrast is not sexy, so it clashes with your title. Sexy is soft and smooth, not posterized, imho.It looks like his right shoulder is cut off.

haven’t you guys heard of Justin Timberlake.The " I’m bringing sexy back " is a line in 1 of his songs(or something)
Nice modelling.I could tell its him instantly but the texture/bump map of the hat is letting it down.The face looks good but still doesnt look human :stuck_out_tongue:

Justin Timberlake : sexy back

and it looks very close to the real justin.good work.

Ok Here Is An Update. Hows This?


looks good…the hat needs bettermaterials though.

Needs a parrot on his shoulder. Can’t really have sexy without a parrot.

Seriously though it is a good image. I agree that the right shoulder looks a little funny though.

ok, lets try this.


yeah, i know who this is. I had thought this was a play on words as in “bringing sexy back…to life”
BUT if you aren’t going for an undead Justin, the the material is looking a bit better, but still too lifeless. try messing with ramps to make it redder in the shadows

First of all, the modelling you have done on this face is really quite good. The only real crit I have of the modelling is that the crease between the eyes looks a little too sharp, or too defined for how small it is.
The texture of the skin is very much improved over your first render, imo. It has a greenish hue to it, don’t know if that is intentional (never seen the singer). As was stated earlier, the materials for the face could still use some work. The main thing I see in your render is that you need a good specularity map to control what parts of the face are glossy and what parts are not.
The brim of the hat looks too thin, imo. Also, the hat looks too hard, again imo, the specularity is way up on it. Try adjusting the specularity and diffuse to make the hat look “softer”.
From what I can see, I like the shirt’s materials and texture.
I want to say again that the modelling here is really good. Nice work and keep going at it!
Happy Blending.

k how bout this?


I gotta admit, I liked the first one best so-far, because even though the left-side image was severely overexposed, the concept of a person bridging this gap was a visually dramatic one. And I had no problem comprehending the fact that bright, harsh lighting was hitting his face from that bright, harsh scene on the left.

Visual drama … visual tension … was present in the original shot, with Justin in-between and looking straight into the camera. I’d go back to that idea, rework the light balances a little (and maybe make the right-side image a little more harsh), and see where that goes.

Eh, I didn’t think he was ‘zomg undead’ in the first pic.