I'm done for :(

It looks like a good start, just need to keep working at it, you usually cannot get a professional looking image in under 12 hours.

I think a contributing factor towards your pessimism of your own ability is that you’ve become focused on the things you think you did wrong to the point where your talent itself is being affected, you think you’re losing your ability, and your focus on that is enough where there seems to be a tangible, measurable decline in your means to work with 3D software.

This is basically, in part, a combination of the concept of mind over matter and the placebo effect, if you have a ‘can’t do’ personality, then your endeavors in art might very well fare a lot worse then those with a more optimistic ‘can do’ persona, at least according to what I was told by my business mentor who comes weekly.

AD has a valid point here. He relies on a “business mentor” for support. Have a person to support you and you can make it easy.

I’ve hit a brick wall for a couple of years now.

I think it’s probably the tinfoil hat that’s blocking the ether.

I kid, but seriously? To be an artist and not expect to make something you consider to be dogshit once in a while is just naive. The beauty of it is that you always learn something from a project, even if just subconsciously. Delete it and move on.

It might be the “12 hours” part that is the problem … aside from burnout, which does happen (in any creative endeavor, and quite a few not-creative ones). Look for ways to reduce that render time. Also look for ways to composite specific improvements onto what you have started with.

Ok, HOW ON EARTH did you make that? I cannot for the life of me make something that looks that good :frowning:
seriously though, we all have our talents, some more than others, I happen to know mine is special effects for videos :smiley:
Don’t worry, just keep on pushin’, especially if you like Blender-ing :slight_smile:

The only difference between mine and the earlier advice is … “don’t delete it, and (do) move on.”

Even if it’s dog-shit, disks are big. Zip it up (maybe), then shove it into a corner and fuhgeddaboudit. You might go back to it someday. You might even want to grab something out of it someday, and use it in something else.

Even when I am revising something, I keep a “running log” of what I am doing and I keep old revisions. (Being a programmer by trade, I use a version control system …)

You have to be careful with Andrew’s tuts. He spends a whole lot of time with the recorder off setting up everything so that he could give you a seamless tutorial with great results… He very likely spent an entire day prepping to give you a half hour tutorial. So don’t be discouraged…