im feeling special!!

yeah i have not gone to bed yet…its 7 30 am here in Minnesota…i feel pretty special…watched BIO-DOME!! THAT MOVIE IS TOO FUNNY

…ya know, you are special! (and that weed you been smokin’ is also pretty “special”… and the intellectual level of your taste in entertainment is pretty “special” too! Better hurry and get ready or you’ll miss the short bus! Oh, wait its summer vac.)

Hmmm, 7:30a.m. on a Monday morning and already planning to be a significant contributor to human society! Wow, you over-achiever you! Throttle it back a bit, eh? You’re makin’ the rest of us slackers look bad!

…i got that weed from you tho…so you can be special too…and i do ride the short bus…(only in my mind)…i hope im making you slackers look bad

lol. you are so special

ummm…whats so special here that makes you feel so special ??.:slight_smile:

its the fist time iv done it in like

lol wow rly dats kul thx 4 sharing i rly wanted 2 no dat!!!

Seriously, what’s the point of this thread exactly? You pulled an all-nighter? I did that a few days ago, went for a morning jog somewhere between the time of 4 and 6. Jogs are so much better in the early morning, you should try it (oh wait broken foot, right?)

Wait till you pull an all-nighter and it’s because you’re WORKING. Then you can feel special.

Funny, I did this as well last night, only listening to Al Jazeera while writing a paper for school.

LOL ,you watch aljazzera ?.what did alqaida say ?.

I’ve not had yet the feeling of being special because working all night. The feeling of being used and ripped off was stronger :ba:


Amen brotha! Nathan’s unite! lol

I never had to work all night, although I stayed up all night I think a few times because I had to dig a hole, or do all these tricky stuff. But knowing that you can, and having done it and then doing it next are two different things. Great job.

Oh, I have stayed up many a night playing video games, I remember when Perfect Dark came out for the N64 I played that thing straight through, only stopping to eat and go to the bathroom.

I think we should see who can play Oblivion or Morrowind straight through without stopping, or if anyone is even alive after trying.

kbot: Your post shows how special you are, no need to dig any more holes late at night. BTW: which Mob do you work for?

A lot of things you won’t hear on Fox News.
News, for example.
Which I don’t understand because Al Jazeera English has broadcasting centers in London and Washington DC.

thats awesome! XD i fricken love diggin holes

why were you doin that?

Edit: oh, lil g, where in minisota you from? i live kinda close to the cities

Well since you ask why I was digging a hole all night . . . does a shellscape, or foxhole mean anything to you. I was young and wild in those days . . . although had a bit more sense NJROTC.

Hehe, Bio-dome, theres a movie I havn’t seen in a while. I wanna watch it again, but I can’t find it anywhere :frowning: .