I'm getting an error when importing any more animations into Blender via MakeWalk

I’m not sure if this is the place I should post it, but there doesn’t seem to be any forums for MakeHuman stuff, and this seems to be mostly a Blender issue, so I’m posting it here and hoping for the best.

I made my own motion capture files via my Kinect and Brekel free, and it seemed to work fine all things considered, loading up the bvh files into a program like bvhacker works fine, and shows the animations recorded.

Importing them into blender via the MakeWalk plugin worked fine for the first few animations, but then suddenly, every animation I try to import after gives me this error, even on the ones that successfully worked before…

I have no idea what it means, but it is so frustrating seeing that I just barely got the whole mocap thing working…

What do I do? Is there a way to save actions and load them up if I decide to just start over? I put a lot of work into fixing the problems with the animations, and I am not going to just lose them!