im gonna be 18 i need party plans (keep it clean)

i wanted to go go karting but the company i booked it with went bust :confused: so it is up to you my trusted blenderheads to help me with thinking something else up. i had thaught about paintball but i got some girls comming and u know whatll happen so anything u can think of itll be appretiated

Painballā€¦with a contest girls vs boysā€¦if girls winā€¦then the boys gotta do something for emā€¦if boys winā€¦wellā€¦then they won :stuck_out_tongue:

Surely if its your eighteenth youā€™ll be going on a pub crawl or something.

I guess Strip Paintball really isnā€™t an option :stuck_out_tongue:


Women seem to enjoy paintball as long as thereā€™s a decent number of men on their team to protect them and there are practitioners of chivalry on the other team.

I remember the first time I went to an actual paintball course. Out of all the times Iā€™ve played with my friends I have never once gotten a ā€œkill.ā€ I had a chance to my first time, but I just couldnā€™t shoot a lady.

lol well i am no such man i will shoot any man woman or child that should have the misfortune to be up against me

im indoctrinated by the air force i go to air cadets so killing is part of me :< beware all who defy the god of death!!! ie me

Oh the things I used to do when I was 18!! :wink:

Iā€™m too old now to make any good suggestions on this topic. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah! good old days!

Do something significative for entering manhood!

Choose one:

1 - Kill a bear/lion/bull bare handed
2 - Cut seven horizontal cuts on forehead, exposing bone
3 - Have a dragon tatooed on your whole back
4 - Cross a 10 yards length of burning coal (bare feeted)

Mmmā€¦ Iā€™m running out of Rites of Passage.


Rent some movies, preferably Guy Ritchie & ā€œRun Lola Run.ā€ (Heck, just get all foreign flicks.) See how many guests stay, then watch the movies. Wait, thatā€™s what Iā€™d do (I dream of being a hermit :smiley: ).

If I were you, Iā€™d go paintballing, and screw the ā€œno women, no childrenā€ rule. Play to win! (Of course, play with, as one guy suggested, unisex teams.)

Or Iā€™d just rent moviesā€¦ all of which you would like and hopefully nobody would have a problem with. Thus, I suggest renting ā€œCrash,ā€ ā€œHenry & June,ā€ ā€œKids,ā€ and ā€œHappiness.ā€ :smiley: (For those not geeky/disturbed enough to know, all of those are rated NC-17 and are not for young/impressionable viewers.)

Cube I would LOVE to play you at paintball. Youā€™d piss your pants right before I shot you executioner style. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thatā€™s why I like the paintball masks, it makes shooting the other team more impersonal.



I donā€™t know how to play paintball. Again, I plan on being a hermit.

cube, paintball is not that complicated. you simply shoot the other team (of course, different games use different rules/kill counts, etc.) with ā€¦gaspā€¦ balls of paintā€¦ that ā€¦explode on contact! thus, the name ā€œpaintball!!ā€ WHOA! %| Can you guess the reason that you use ā€œpaintballsā€ as opposed toā€¦ sayā€¦ steelballs? the answer: paintballs hurt less, and make a mark on your clothing; They do NOT penetrate your skin and leave a bloody mark like steelballs would.

although paintballs DO hurt a little, and you can get a nice welt. Especially if you play without armor like my friends and Iā€¦ but then, we turn our guns down. sometimes we use slingshotsā€¦

ā€¦back to the question

for my 18th birthday, I will have a huge LAN party. YEA!! You should do it. Itz fun.

LAN parties rock! Cept when your PC is so slow like mine that it makes you suck when youā€™re plodding at 15 fps at Q3.

Unless they donā€™t break, then they can draw blood. I canā€™t tell you how many open wounds I walked away with my first two times.

Unless they donā€™t break, then they can draw blood. I canā€™t tell you how many open wounds I walked away with my first two times.[/quote]

Heck ya. My friend got hit in the neck and it didnā€™t break. The shatterred plastic can stick you bad too. Paintballs not for wusses.

Thanks for the heads-up-because-a-paintball-didnā€™t-burst! I think Iā€™d do laser tag.

damn the paintball idea is not very good for 18th birthday, at least thatā€™s your first party, adn itā€™s at day time, you should go to a wild rave disco or party with your friends and party all night long, drink a lot, have chicks, etc.


oooohhh!!! errrrā€¦ geeeeeeeee!





Chiotte! ā€œcleanā€ you said?
Wellā€¦ go out late at night in some woods around your home (well, where there arenā€™t any bears or wolves or killer beesā€¦ :wink: or Witches) and lose yourselfā€¦ then find your way back home before dawn.

hehe, thatā€™s fun! And you can add this caracter with a white mask and a long blade :slight_smile:


lol yeh dont worry i got a pretty massive party going on that night but the party its self isnt on my birthday im gonna get supremely hammered on my birthday dont you worry about that the partyt is just a way of marking the occasion. we are going paintballing or whatever else in the morning and then comming back to join my family and the others at my house (both my pearents work for the company that makes guinness) and the party will be pretty big so no worries there u really think i plan to not get drunk on my 18th?

I did, but I had a test in my 9am lecture the next morningā€¦