I'm having trouble with saving

Every time I make a new model and save it, I never see that model in the “blender file view”. I only see it in “open recent” and the splash screen. I’ve been using blender for a while, and I tried deleting some models I didn’t need, thinking I didn’t have space, but that didn’t fix the problem. The only models left is the ones I made about a week ago, and I don’t want to lose new models. What should I do?

Can you send a screenshot?

As you can see, every model after “cup” is missing in the “blender file view”.

I sorted the files by date, but it wont show the most recent model. I even sorted it by name and size and typed the name of the model in the search bar, but it wasn’t there.

Are you sure they are saved on the same folder?

What do you mean?

When you save a file, like a blender model or anything else you decide a location to save that. Didn’t you take any other location to save those files than your documents folder?

Not that I know of. I never used any other folders recently.

Open the file. In the top left of the window it should tell you were it is saved.

Or you can open the file so a save as.

Now I know why it wouldn’t save. The model is there, but for some reason it saves to downloads instead of documents (probably due to it being the first thing that shows up once saving)

As I said before… LOL.