i'm leaving

to all you happy people i must say… bye

i’m leaving elysiun/blender


What for? YOu using another app, or what?

Sorry to see you go. You have been a big help here and your work has always been incredible.

Thanks for being here!


i need to spend some more time with the wife and kids
and i just want to do other stuff
old fashion drawing, painting…
and no i’m not switching to nanother 3d app

peter (dotblend)

Sorry to see you go but I understand life takes you in different directions sometimes. Thanks for all you contributed in the past, I learned alot from you, for example how to use virtualight and how to use textures with radiosity. You’ll be missed. Maybe you can drop in sometime in the future just to say hi.

I know what you mean there. I am also married with 3 kids. My blending life has been pretty much non-existent as of late. Family does come first.


you’ll be missed :frowning:

I hope you have much success in everything you do.


good bye,
i wish you a happy life with your family :slight_smile:

cya henrik

Well, was fun knowing you! And good luck with the family and everything! Don’t be a stranger, you can always stop by here every now and then anyway, you know…

hmm, its always sad to see somenone go, but yes, family does come first.
(well, it wouldn’t be sad if certain people left,but i won’t mention any names)

Good luck with everything you do.


i’m leaving elysiun/blender

what u speak of is impossible, and has yet to be done… the odds of you succeeding are astronomical… many have tried, all have failed…
i will see you again soon dotblend

goodbye for now :slight_smile:

Looks like some people really have a life. :-?

Sad to see you go, dotblend. :frowning:

But i think you really won’t leave elysiun/blender. That’s impossible. I know from personal experience. So…this is more like “see ya later!” than “goodbye forever!” :smiley: :smiley:

Good luck with your near future life, I wish I could say the same, but I can’t , no wife, girlfriend, and no kids…only me…but thanks for the stuff you made, and good luck with other ways of doing art!


Good luck Dotblend… :frowning:

I love being a kid. No constraints such as children :wink:

See you… soon… maybe…


Darn, now you have a better excuse than I do to not do anything. NOOO!

:Z Zorro here is trying to tell me something… GASP! Timmy is stuck in the well? Oh, sorry… oh, “don’t be a lazy asshole…” right. (Don’t let your kids see my post.)

PS: Blengine, what is this “leaving?”

PS: Blengine, what is this “leaving?”


We will miss you.

I hope you’ll get back once in a while… before your kids will be grown up enought to blend themselves :slight_smile:


All the best to you and your family!
I hope life treats you well.

Damn…I dont know what to say buddy. You have been alot of help to all of us. Thank you, and enjoy the time with your family. I just did a search for your name because I was going to send you a message regarding your tutorial in 3D world…and then this…damn…well…there was this guy that was complaining about it and I said that I would help him if he was new but I dont think he is…anyways I know you are done but here is the URL:


Take care buddy, and again, thank you very much for all that you have done in this community.


sniff…gimme a tissue someone…http://www.stupid-boy.com/smilies/otn/sad/mecry.gif


oh well, it’s sad but it can only be good for you…

Have a nice life!
