I know that this is a bit off topic but hotmail has millions of users, unfortunetly SMTP is limited to ASCII and/or UTF-8 which means fewer combinations still, this only means that by putting in numbers are you ever going to get an address. This isnt only just for hotmail but for yahoo as well. Several weeks ago I was forced to change from angel fire email to something else after they announced that they were terminating there service. I was at the new user page for the best part of an hour trying to think up cryptic email addresses logins that hadnt been taken!!!
Anyway back to the poll:
It takes alot to figure out how the blender realtime engine works so I would choose something really simple so two weeks isnt really alot of time.
One game that will get you started is Tiko, see link: http://argoslabs.com/~malefico/games-text.html
That has the basics of what you would want, however what you can pull off will depend on what your skill levels are.
One game that I have wanted to play is a digital version of this game involving tumblers that had notches cut out of them that contained plastic discs. when the notches turned your discs would slowly make it to the bottom. the first person with all their discs at the bottom wins, however your component of the other side of you also has his discs traveling down as well and whenever your tumbeser turned so did his.
nice link thanks, worked out how to do that outline thing thats in scategirl as well.
will be great considering my visual style.
i was thinking maybe.
a 3rd person shootem up aka max payne in a grown up toon style with some puzzle elements. i.e pushing tables/boxes about to reach places. or navigating mines or something less done to death.
main character is gonna be a punnisher style person. (strong side of normal) not shore about the enemy tho.
python is a problem tho.
can I learn python in a week ? I’m a good learner but have little programing experience.
RTS. hmmmm your right can i fix that without wiping my present results?
I had to make a choice between RPG and adventure, and because companies have not pushed out any decent RPG games recently I went to adventure. Thats a good genre. MORE ADVENTURE GAMES.