I'm quitting 3d art and animation

I used to have a desire to be a 3d artist, and I’ve love being a 3d artist at the time. It felt like a world of infinite possibilities was opened to me. I honestly wanted to improve my skills as time goes on, but I also wanted to speed up my workflow in the hopes of getting the best results in a short amount of time.
However, that passion and determination has fade away. Overtime, the only thing left was nothing more than a gut punch, making me realize that it’s impossible for me to even succeed in that field. So I quit, and I’m planning on getting a job at a retail store. A lot of people will question why I decided to say that. In order for me to explain why, I have decided to split into specific reasons. Hopefully, they will give whoever’s reading this a good ideas on my decision, but it’s not like anyone cares.

#1: Competition and Contests are impossible to win when you have disadvantages.
Competition is everywhere in our world, from scholarships to jobs .A lot of people believe competition is great, but it only favors those who have an advantage over the rest. I’ve been through some competitions as well, and almost 100 percent of them revolve around the use of Blender for creating models and other artwork, but out of the ones I’ve participated in, I never win any of them. Instead, I start to see the most prominent artists/those who have more expensive add-ons and unaffordable hardware being declared the winners. Compared to them, my computer doesn’t even cut it. Making a realistic or beautiful render will surely burn the hardware to oblivion. So what’s the point? There isn’t any.
It also doesn’t help that compared to the professionals, you’re just a nobody with a lack of recognition, experience, and support. No one cares for the work or the skills of a nobody. This is why I never posted any of my work, and if I did, it’s extremely rare, and it will always go unnoticed. This is also why making money online is not even as easy as they say it is, especially when it comes to the creative business. At best, it is extremely difficult. At worst, it is impossible. That’s the reality of things.

#2: It will take too long to complete something on you own.
It’s obviously so true, but not a lot of people talk about it. If you start to work on something right now, Like a game or an animatic/3d cinematic, then unless you have something to help you speed up your workflow, it will take you up to maybe 5 year to complete. No work is meant to be easy, but there are some that can take longer to finish, even if you have gotten the hang of a specific software.
People are always saying that you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel, But unless you’re doing it for a challenge or to make sure everything is consistent with your vision, Reinventing the wheel is the only option you have, even if it takes forever to accomplish, And there’s the unfortunate but logical explanation for that.

#3: Being a 3D artist will be unaffordable in the long run.
This is by far one of the biggest reasons I gave up on being a 3D artist. Whoever said you don’t need money to get started is lying to you. You need money to jumpstart your career. In truth, money is everything, and unless you’re making more than enough of it to pay the bills and invest in your career, you can’t get started and you can’t move further. This is even more problematic when it comes to hardware and other necessities.
Nvidia has released their new GeForce RTX 3060 graphics card, But they are over $1,000. Is that meant to be the competitive price? Powerful desktops and laptops are being released, but those are between $1,000 and $5,000, and that also includes custom builds. There are many software and add-ons that can speed up your workflow, But those are not free. At best, you’ll have to pay around $60 for them. At worst, you’ll have to pay between $100 and $5,000. The much more worst case scenario is subscription-based software, Where you pay between hundreds and thousands of dollars per year.
There are free programs out there, but the majority of them are handicapped versions. Some of them are not even for commercial use. Even the free add-ons don’t help out. And for those that are free with no restrictions or paid versions, newer versions are appealing/simping to AAA Industries, which means more features that utilize the power of advanced computers. This also means they are more resource-heavy. Unless they have special optimization settings, you can’t use them on a low-end computer. Using older/outdated versions of the software is the only option, but it’s not as refined as the updated versions, And I’m not compatible with any new add-ons or features that come out. I’m all up for supporting developers and creators financially, but it’s not possible in my position, especially since I’m not ranking in thousands of dollars per month like the artist who happen to flex on us with the hardware, computers, and programs they have at their disposal and promoting it at the same time. Why has no one point this out? As technology keeps advancing, those who lack the access to it will always be left behind, and just like I mention in my first reasoning, no one cares about a random nobody. This is what ultimately killed my desire to be a 3D artist.

Hopefully, you can get a better understanding of my decision. I will not be returning to the world of 3D art. At this moment, it is impossible to even make a name for yourself. Now, I would rather work at a retail store or a fast food restaurant. At least that’s more realistically possible.


If you are only wanting to make art if you can make money, then yeah… your heart isn’t in it. Making art is not the easiest way to make money. If you enjoy doing it, then do it because you enjoy it. But if you don’t like doing it, then get some other job that pays the bills and spend your free time doing something you enjoy.

I hope you find a way to make money that doesn’t suck too much, and that you find a hobby that you enjoy.


The discouragement and disappointment is very real, and I don’t claim to have any answers. I guess I’m replying because… I resonate with a lot of it and want to add a few thoughts for discussion.

In short, I think this stems from what we expect from our art.

Firstly, we post art (or anything) for recognition, or at the very least, an audience. Yes, the art process can be a form of meditation/enjoyment (I often paint for escapism), but that’s rarely the SOLE reason. Otherwise, why post at all?

Subsequently, it’s just natural to compare ourselves to others. Usually that’s not a big problem with actual peers, but from ArtStation to BlenderArtists to DeviantArt, the only thing I have in common with the Commissioned Artist (and Digital Media Companies) is we got to choose our usernames. I won’t even go into the whole paid memberships part.

Therefore, consciously or not, I’ve subjected my art to some sort of metric - usually by the pillars of our Social Media Revolution: Comment/Like/Share/Save/Follow.

And that’s when the bubble bursts - I realise that I’ve entered a racetrack of BMWs with my BMX.


Good for you, congratulations, glad you quit. Your right you are nobody. Along with everyone reading this and another 8 billion nobody’s out there and me. I’ve meet a few successful and famous people in my life and you know what? They have no idea what they are doing either. Most successful people are there simply because they were too stupid to quit. Are they kept trying when everyone else dropped out.
I have a friend who literally looks like a sad basset hound. He would just walk up to the prettiest girl in the room and start talking to them. I asked him one day if he was worried about failing or getting rejected and he said “Oh I know I’ll get rejected 9 times out of 10, but that 10th time is worth it.”
So yeah you probably suck, so did everyone else when they started. Look up Picasso’s early works, they really suck.
My first demo reel would get rejected even for bad previs now. And no your not ever going to have the latest greatest fastest computer. Work with what you have. Your cell phone is faster and more powerful than my first computer.
So keep working retail or whatever to pay the bills. Your already at rock bottom so you have nowhere to go but up. And if you live to 70 you seriously got a lot of time to waste anyway. Might as well spend it doing something creative. Some of the art I’ve done that people liked the most was from me just aimlessly screwing around.
Sorry if anything I said offended you, hopefully it worked. Everyone has been where you are. Do what you love, not what’s going to get you money or fame. And that may not be 3d stuff at all. Just keep getting up and putting one foot in front of the other, keep an open mind and life will take you to all kinds of weird and wonderful places.


It’s your decision. If you don’t have fun anymore do something else. Life is short.

Do we think of the little ant that works all day? Life is life. No one is better, nothing is forever.


I agree with Mash3d. Your reasons to quit have less to do with all those externalized justifications (money, perceived lack of good hardware and software, competing with others for recognition) but more with self-doubt, fear, insecurity, and so forth.

I see kids with severely outdated hardware produce mind-blowing animations and 3d stills with pure perseverance and passion. I have viewed impressive art pieces that were created in Paint one pixel at a time. Outstanding pencil drawings done on cheap paper with a 25 cent pencil.

In the end persistence trumps talent. Every good artist started out as a beginner. One step at a time, and with each step the artists improves. But it is a long road. Many decide it is not their path.

And there is nothing wrong with quitting 3d art (or any other art) - it is hard work and becoming a good artist is, in my opinion, separate from the technicalities of 3D - it takes much longer.

I have a friend whose drawing I really admired (and was a tad jealous) when we were in our early twenties. I told him so, and others as well. But his own self-doubt and insistence to compare his work with the top seasoned veteran professionals in the comic business made him decide to, just like you, stop doing any art altogether. He got an office job. My skills are now much better than his were at the time. Last year he picked up on where he left, because he is enjoying art again.

The attempt to convince yourself that those external reasons are why you decide to quit, is easily punctured and you are merely deluding yourself in my opinion. The true reasons are found within and not outside.

And that is fine. The artist path is not for everyone, just like any other path. Stay true to yourself, and you will find yours.

Good luck!


This isn’t necessarily for OP, who has clearly made up their mind, but in case others resonate with their concerns, I’d like to propose a little reframing. Reasons #1 and #2 speak of a lonely world filled with competition. Surely that exists, but if you choose, your Blender journey can be one full of community and cooperation.

Rather than trying to win competitions, collaborate with people on projects! This allows you to work on interesting things, learn from others, build things bigger than you can alone, and connect with mentors, collaborators, and even potential future clients. This isn’t a direct road to money, but by building up your skills and your network in this way, it’s a step in the right direction. But also, collaborating with people is its own reward, and living in a world of community is more pleasant.

You can find projects to get involved in here in the Volunteer Work forum. You can also participate in game jams on Itch.io. I’m sure there are other places to find projects. Does anyone know of a good list?


how can i become a pro 3d artist if the pc i have is against me so the solution i have to make as much money as possible so i can buy a very powerful pc with very low limitations.

There are several aspects of 3D work that do not require a very powerful computer. With 1000 euro and a RTX3060 in a laptop/desktop you can do much.
People did great work 10, 15 years ago and the PC’s were certainly worse than a medium machine today.


depending on what the 3d artist wants to achieve, maybe 15 years ago people were able to make realistic 3d renderings but hardware continues to develop 3d graphics keep getting better and better so people’s perception of realistic images has changed the standard of realistic 3d images has changed, the realistic 3d images of 15 years ago now look ugly. So for today’s a PC that has very high specs is absolutely must-have by a pro 3D artist.

Hum, I don’t know what computer do you have but is it older than 23 years ? :

You probably have much more computer power than what they use at that time (1999) , correct me if I’m wrong. Of course VFX on fight club have aged a bit but still I’m sure if you make something near that quality you’ll find a job, even if it’s not on par with today VFX.

Same with VFX from jurassic parc, with blender and a crappy computer from today you have way much better technology than they did.

It’s always possible to make good looking pictures with old school techniques, or find a side job to spare for a better computer if you think that is a problem.

As a side note, I really like @iangilman point of view, it tells a lot on how we perceive work as a CG artist. Are we suppose to do everything and produce good looking image/animation alone, or are we supposed to work on a team ?


That’s because the hardware used by film visual effects is different from the hardware on the market at that time, so it means that the hardware for visual effects film is higher in spec than commercial computer, I’ve read about it but I forgot the source so forgive me if I’m wrong.

Here is an alternative suggestion. Do both.

Get a day job and on weekends and free time continue perfecting your 3d craft. If it is a passion it will eventually pay off. Not everyone will succeed but if you don’t compete it is a sure thing to fail since you are not even in the running.

I was never the best at any of my careers but I did work my butt off and gained some modicum of success. Network and learn from your peers. I am relatively old and looking to see what my third career should be.

I’m playing around with 3d now and seeing where I want to go with it. 3d means many things to many people and industries. Which 3d aspect (modeling, texturing, animation, …etc) really excites you?

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Indeed, their 1993 /1999 computers were quite different from regular home computers from the same years. They where also improving their software especially for their productions, just like today.
But I’m sure even with a crappy computer from today you’ve got access to a much much more powerful technology than they did at that time.
In 1993 16Mb of ram was the best you can have on a home computer, I’m sure it was impossible to even think about having 1Go of Ram even for ILM, and processing power was about the same order of magnitude. Still these dinosaurs look quite ok to me even now.
Having good tools is important, but the most important remains the time and energy you invest in your work, and the will to improve your skills no matter what. Try to make the most of what you have now, at some point you’ll get a better computer and you will be able to push the boundaries even more.

Here is a simple analogy, you want to draw and only got a pen. You could argue that you need better tools, having brushes and expensive paint to work like a professional. Thing is , you give your pen to a professional and even if (s)he will be limited s(he) will produce awesome and professional artwork with it.
You can wait to have all that you need to train to be a better artist, or take the pen and try to do your best with it. And eventually when you can afford all the expensive tools you’ll make a much better use of it.
When I started CG I didn’t always had the best computer, some of my friend got really good PC they use only to play games and burn audio CD, I was a bit jealous because IMO I could have made a much better use of their PC. But that didn’t stop me to keep on working and improving. I hope you’d do the same if CG is really a passion to you.

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drawing with pencil or painting on canvas with 3d art are 2 different things, painting only requires skill of your hands, and painting tools how far you want to make your painting realistic depends on your skill of hand, but in 3d art high resolution assets are required to create Realistic 3d objects that requires a very powerful PC because the higher a 3d asset you use, the more resources you use on your PC.

I agree with OLG, Mash3d and Herbert123. It is not for everyone and just get “a boring day job” to pay the bill and improving 3d craft hobby at your spare times.
Started with pencil and paper during secondary school in 1982 and still moving on to date. Was mainly about woodworking stuff till graduated as an architect, but the heart still bounded with illustration and beauty image.
Till now, I am still having fun with 3d craft in digital and pencil / marker with paper combination as my main tools to enjoying live with building / interior / artwork / urban design as a routine.
At the office, I can go digital but on site. The artist / painter and contractor preferred live sketches.
I can’t afford to get sophisticated tools as there are many priority to go. And I believe that many has great talent out there and always inspired me.
Sometimes you need to think out of the box. You don’t have to put heavy 3d polygon tree in front of the camera, just do 2d plane many material layers should good enough. Provided that you turn on DoF to fake it and still image or less dynamic animation.
With my 2014’s dual core, 8GB, GTX750Ti and Debian Linux, still exploring and learning VSE, modeling and rendering at home as hobby and side income. Two of Dual xeon, 64GB, GTX 2080, Wacom tablet and “rental” softwares at the office is just for billing purpose. My skill is still supporting and help me to improve my routine.
Look from different angle and find your path. You don’t have to be the leader, sometimes. Supporting artist also has award and reward.
Pardon my grammar/typo as English is my second.


It’s funny to me when I see these posts about I can’t make money as an artist. Yes, that is the eternal joke of being an artist or as some say a starving artist. Not a new thing either. Pablo Picasso died without a penny to his name, but did have 45,000 works of art made. If you want money don’t do art.

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Umm…not sure if that was shared, tongue-in-cheek

Anyway nonetheless, at the time of his death, Picasso’s net worth was estimated between $100 and $250 million:

Adjusted for inflation, those sums in 1973 would amount too $530 million - $1. 3 billion today!

Likewise with a bit of luck, effort coupled with perseverance, generations of creatives before and/or since had attained successful lifelong careers creating art.

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Not tougue-in-cheek. Good advice.

I was thinking of Vincent van Gogh not Picasso. Picasso was an exception to the rule. Kind of like Beeple making a fortune with NFTs of his art. There is always that one guy that is an exception to the rule. If you say Picasso did it so I can too you should also say I hear someone got millions playing the Lotto so I can too. Just play the Lotto easy money right?