My new werewolf, with normal maps - -
I said some rude things, about communists, I didn’t want that, at all . .
I am making a game about sociopathy and, psychopathy . . Now, a psychopath is a person who only ’ experiences’ himself and, not others pain or, problems - - I am making them into vampires, but I also found out what a sociopath is, it’s some-one who only sees ’ others’ or, his Society - - A Sociopath has a very strict sense of law and, Order . . If you steal a car, you get 12 years in a prison, if you dare to be happy or, care-free, non- chalant, he will despire and, Oppose that - - A psychopath is someone who Has no law and, a sociopath is someone who is far to harsh And, strict, In laws - - I’m making a game about a 100 % sociopath and, the were-wolf is that character but, for instance in Denmark, where I’m from, we’re 5 - 6 % sociopathic because, we value others a bit over our - selves . . I said some bad things about communism, which is about 10 -12 % sociopathic and, Quite close to Danish values . . I mis -stated it, the werewolf I’m making doesn’t represent any Real political ideology but, the Greatest extreme, one can imagine, you could say he’s the worst possible communist, so Fanatic that he will do anything, to Serve the society and, group, including Badly hurting others and, so on - - There aren’t any such people in China or, Russia, out -side of prison, where they should be . . I should have said I was trying to make the Ultimate sociopath and, not have mentioned communism, I am making a game about hard- core Criminals, The worst . . Not ordinary people, That live in real countries, any -where - -
I am making a sort of study, to look at how one can compare politics and, psychopathy or, sociopathy but, the characters I’m making represent the VERY Extreme, of the spectrums, so if Russia is 10 - 12 % sociopathic ( all socialist countries are 5 - 8 % sociopathic, so it’s no criticism, I’m like that too, a little, Mild sociopathy is good, because it means one appreciates And, Respects others ) but that good thing, a Decent society Can become a Problem, if it spins out of control, into Hard sociopathy or, Extreme Law and, punishment - - a 100 % sociopath would Kill you, for telling a lie or, Stealing a coin . . That doesn’t happen in any Communist country so, It’s fictional - -
What I want to do, is make a game that explains what Hard sociopathy and, psychopathy is, so people can better understand it and, understand how to avoid it, I stated it very badly . . I’m trying to capture the essence, of the Greatest possible Sociopath, a Werewolf - - it’s sense of law, is so extreme, if you sneeze on a person, in public, a very small sin, it might kill you, it’s So extreme - - I hope that apologizes, I said dumb stuff, about Communism, My mistake - –