I'm using 4.2 and x-ray mode isn't working properly

i can view it properly but i can’t select things behind

Hello! Welcome to the forums.
In general, when asking for help, it’s useful to add an image of the problem you are adding. I think the problem you were having is that you have enabled wireframe (x-ray) mode and are trying to select an object behind another object.
Blender still respects order when selecting even in wireframe mode, what you want to do is hide the object in the way. You can do this clicking on the eye icon next to said object in the outliner (the list of objects in the top right).
Hope this helps!

it said new users couldn’t do that

Ah, sorry, you get that after you browse the forums for a little bit.
Did the advice help solve the problem?

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Welcome :tada:

that’s for spam-preventions… you only have to spend some more minutes in the forum and look at some other post (maybe even search for a similar ; top right; :mag: --icon ) for doing so… (see FAQ: Why only one image?)

Anyway: usually if you click on any objects which does have one behind it (if Xray or not) another click will select “the other one”. (This may have changed in 4.2 ??) So blender selects the one most in front first.

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For 4.2 and above to select objects inside or behind something in X-ray mode, the First R click is the outer object and a second click will select the inner object… I do believe Depth Selection in the Preferences needs to be selected…

I just checked, and that function if active, uses the GPU depth to make sure that when selecting the outermost object is selected FIRST, if that is disabled then the selection could be outer or inner it would be somewhat random.