I’ve just spend hours trying to make something work to no avail.
Problem: Is the Image loader broken when trying to cycle a set of frames from the middle of a movie or image sequence?
Example: I loaded a movie into the Image node and set it to “Movie.” I then set the number of “Frames” to 15, the “Start Frame” to 1, and the “Offset” to 15.
This works fine. 15 frames are displayed (frames 15 to 30 in the movie) and if I scrub past frame 15 on the timeline then the last frame (frame 30 in my movie) is frozen.
However, if I check “Cycle,” the sequence of frames cycled is from 1 to 15 in the movie. It appears the “Offset” value is ignored now.
Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong?
I’ve tried it with both a “Movie” and a “Sequence.”
Sounds like you’re doing things right; worth submitting as a bug report, I think. Last I knew the buglist search option was disabled, so you may be submitting a dupe report, but it’s better to do that than just let it pass.
You say you tried both “Movie” & “Sequence” – I assume not with the same input source. For the Sequence you can work around the prob by loading only the relevant frames.
Yea, I tried an .avi with “Movie”, and a sequence of animation stills with “Sequence.” I tried submitting a bug report once and found it frustrating. I couldn’t tell if it had been accepted or not.
I submitted this to the bug list.
Ton took a look at it and said that it wasn’t a bug. That’s the way it is intended to work. Although, he said it needs a redesign to make it more intuitive and functional. It sounded like he thought it should work the way I suggested, but currently it doesn’t. That will be updated some day.
I hope soon, because the offset should really allow you to cycle a sequence for a given number of frames from anywhere in the file.