Here are two images from the same version of blender when i import my character into a scene and it reacts like this to the light while on the other hand when i open the character separately the textures react perfectly like how they should. How to fix it, its my first time posting here is anyone here capable enough to solve it
You say:
…but you properly looking at it in rest pose. So could it be that somehow there is some different movement on the face so this disaligment happens ??
Also it seem that ther is a different shader on the cahracter face and hands then on the head part. You are sure there are no doubel geometry which does not show on the rest pose?
Other than this there is not much to see (even not if you normal map may use the wrong color space ).
The shaders were built on substance painter ig im still wrap my head around it
Shaders ?? You mean textures… there was/is something to use somehow substance compiled shaders in blender but you shader setup only shows color and normll map…
But again: you might show a little more about it so that somehone may see some possible failures and suggest anything ?
Select the Face and show that Material, you are showing us the Eyelash material, and not providing information, and show ALL the NODES in that material!.. Also the Hair Cap needs to be set to Alpha Clip, so, on the Image Textures for all the hair, run a noodle from Alpha to the Alpha of the Principled shader, if in Eevee also change the Alpha Blending Mode in Material Properties Tab ( Right Window ),
Under Settings Tab.
but before you do that follow @Okidoki 's advice…
Check the Normal Map’s Texture Space on the Image Node, it must be set to Non-Color Data… (that goes for everything else that does not add color to the mesh, Roughness, specular displacement, etc.)