Image slightly fuzzy

I am trying to UV map an image onto an object and for some reason it is not as crisp an image in the render as it seems it should be. I’m using a very high-res image so that isn’t the issue, but it is also the reason that I would like to preserve the clarityof the image.

I’ve tried all different combinations of settings in the texture settings such as the anti-aliasing toggle which seems to do nothing… If I render without OSA the image is no longer fuzzy, but then it is pixelated and has jaggies!!!

Does anyone have a work around or a set of settings that might helpmake it crispy and beautiful?

In F10, Render tab, set the Filter value lower (between Fields and Border buttons) and play with the different Filter options.


It hass been so long since I looked at the button, never needed it before. Thanks it has done the trick. clearer but not sloppy.

Hopefully I can repay you someday.
