Image texture, can I make it more real - ish

Hi, I got this through an image texture added to an UV sphere. Even though I added a Bump node, it looks a bit dull. Is there any chance I can make contours happen on UV sphere based on the image texture? Thanks.

Try plugging the ‘Color’ socket of the Image Texture into the ‘Height’ socket of the Bump node.

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Thanks, I knew I was missing something :crown:

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you added a bump node but you didn’t connect anything to it. You have to connect to bump node a texture, image or procedural.
Also, you may set shade smooth to the spere


It looks great now! Thanks :slight_smile:

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I remember…
It’s close to the material @Drvquiron : biomorph-ceramic-ring

Good :blender_logo_64_png:


Hi, thanks. The flowers are used to decorate an object. That’s why I took the shortcut. While it is important, it is not the first priority in the scene. Appreciate the help :slight_smile: