Image texture not aligning properly

How to fix this image texture to align properly centered ?

in uv editing it is aligned centered but when it i change into layout it is not in the middle.

see it is aligned centered in the uv editing

Hi, connect the mapping and texture cardiants nodes in the shader.

i have tried that already but still its not adjustable like i needed, its is changing a lot while changing small values

Try 0.001 ?

I would say that is subjective… :sweat_smile:
But still, it doesn’t look that’s the UVMap is being used…

Check if you have more than one UVMap, and instead of using the TextureCoordinates node, use the UVMap node, with the specific UVMap chosen. (and remove the mapping node, as in this case you shouldn’t use it at all)

i didn’t get it yet ;(

even after removing mapping its still same

You don’t have the UV Map named there in the UV node.

The uv map don’t match your shirt shape.

bro even if it is adjusted still it is not in the middle when i change uv editing to layout , i can provide the blend file can u guys look it out and find the solution ?

You need to share the imgtexture.png file. Because if the UV doesn’t fit the image (or vice-versa), then there’s the problem.

From your file, the UV’s seem ok… (a bit skewed but it can be fixed)… But the image must fit that UVs.

You didn’t attach the texture?
Your model is not centred:

if the model is centered it can be solved ?
but my model is centered already,

Looks ok to me…

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how u do that?

I did nothing… Just opened your file and pointed the ImageTexture node to your image.

what’s wrong w mine then arhh!!!
can u send me the blend file

With the imgtexture.png packed. (couldn’t download the environment texture, but you don’t need it)

what abt the animation , it is missing in that file
there was a walking cycle that i exported from marvellous designer