first of all, im new here and this is my first post. im getting pretty good in blender but i have a problem. when i used a default GIMP texture in blender without turning on oversampling the texture is fine, but when i turn on oversampling the texture blurs to the point that it no longer looks like the texture. what am i doing wrong, do i need to unwrap the object and uv map the texture? i have never uv mapped anything in blender so im in the dark in regards to uvmapping. i hope i posted this in the right spot. thanks anyone in advance. scratch the first question, i should have searched a little more, i think a previous post solved this problem, but i wont waste this post. what settings should i use for a quick method to animate a television pilot, i will be doing all aspects of the show myself so i need to speed thins up if i can. thanx again.
For television in the USA, even waaaaaaay up there in ND, click on the NTSC presets. Then click on Fields and Odd.
That’s a bit broad and vague. Maybe if you told us what it is that you’re trying to accomplish we might be able to steer you down a more well defined path. Are you just looking to do a title sequence? A 5 minute demo is a SERIOUS job in and of itself for one person. I can’t even fathom the amount of work involved in a 22 minute spot.
Lattice deformations are flashy.
The Map UV node will allow you to reuse the same animation over and over (week to week) without it becoming tiresome, sort of like how Bart writes a different message on the chalkboard on every new Simpsons episode and there’s almost no extra work or render time involved via the OpenExr format.
Shape keys provide immediate access to complex mesh deformations.
What exactly do you want to accomplish?
i’m a little late replying, forgive me, i’ve been busy. just need some helpful shortcuts to dramaticly speed up the process, i’m willing to sacrifice quality for quantity, no AO or global illumination nothin’ fancy, simple charactor models with little facial movement. ive animated a few seconds of a machine i will be posting on deviantart and that wasn’t that bad, i spose it could be as crude as southpark,although i dont really want my charectors to always walk sideways. time-saving secrets is what i’m after. thanks for the help.