Image Texturing... The image cannot fit into my mesh when rendering..(solved)


I am trying on using image as my icosphere’s surface…
The problem is, everything looks fine in 3D view window, and when i Press F12 to render it, the image looked like mirrored with axis-y… which step i did wrong?


I’m still new with UV-mapping, but I think you must have rotated your icosphere in edit mode. You can fix this by simply rotating it again in edit mode until it fits the rendered image, and then rotate it again in object mode. If this is not a solution, try pressing Alt-R in object mode to reset the rotation.

Hope it helped
/ Mats

EDIT: Also check the orientation of the X, Y, and X axis in the texture Map Input panel.

i’ve made a silly mistake here, i didn’t set my map input with UV buttons enabled.
so, now the problem is solved…