Image to line-art and water colour effect attempt

I’ve been experimenting to achieve a nice looking line-art and water-colours conversion of any image, and came up with this. In Photoshop I would use the colour-dodge mode, which does a better job, but Blender’s mix node does not seem to support that (yet?).

Colours are super-sweet and candy, and I am looking for a soft pastel-like colouring effect, as well as the automatic line art. The basic method to achieve the effect: copy original image, convert to greyscale, create a secondary copy, invert, use Gaussian blur, and change the blend mode to color dodge (which is not available). Depending on the pre-processing of the original image, the result can be good to excellent. (At least, in Photoshop). Obviously, adding some masking here and there would improve it as well, but I feel this can be made to look better with some additional adjustments in the noodle.

High resolution images tend to work better - so the low resolution of this image is working against it. Scaling down would anti-alias the lines, and result in less jaggies.

Blender’s version is okayish looking, but any suggestions to improve the effect are very welcome.

lineartv05.blend (586 KB)

Well, your ideal version would be nice to see, so we can compare the blender version to it. This looks great as it is so I’m not sure what is missing?