Not sure if this is the right forum or not, but I couldn’t think of a better place for it, so feel free to move it if you must.
For awhile now I’ve been placing my ref images on planes because dealing with background images gets annoying when they aren’t lined up perfectly. However, doing that means I have to be in textured mode, asfaik, in order to see the image. This becomes confusing with more detailed images as not only are the planes showing their textures, but the model I’m creating shows its texture as well…and usually there is no texture. These textures respond to the light in the scene so I have to create 2 maybe 3 light sources just to see my model, otherwise its completely black.
My question is simple. Is there a way to show an image on the plane as in the screenshot below, while keeping the actual model itself in solid view? I ask this becuase if I try to see thru the model (z by default) the images disappear as well. So I do alot of camara moving when I feel that all I should have to do is hit 1 or 3 for front and side views.
Edit-no im not doing the joan of arc tutorial, but i do use the images for refs whenever starting a female head lol.