Imagine Incredible Inner Inspiration

and watch it in animated and with a soundtrack (goes really well with any soundtrack though…)

Ignore inner isloation, cool down, come down, calm down, and get into the mediating meditative state of trance the queen of pineapples is into since way too long and forever and always and forever will be until the very end of time as we know it and let her show you the way to empowering enlightenment over your own body and soul. Just let it all got, let it fall off and away from you, take the dive and do a brave backflip backwards down into the psychedelic rabbit hole of you own incredible inner inspiration to find what it is worth and what you have been searching for for the whole of your life up to that point in time until nothing in this reality will be the same as it always was and always has been.

Animated and Composited in blender 2.82
Rendered with Cycles

and just because it’s fun, and even more fun to share the fun, here is the same animation as a gif

find my previous animation here:

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