Please view another time the videos and read more carefully:
Previous time to setup a complex shot: SEVERAL DAYS
This is what I`m talking about. To setup such a complex scene in few hours (using in Blender a tool similar with Impact System Tool) and not in weeks (in the traditional way).
I agree, is possible to achieve this in any (good) 3D program but in how much time? In few weeks for sore and not in a FEW HOURS using the ImpactSystem plug-in for 3DMax. From my researches I`m discovered the fact that this plug-in (Impact System Tool v0.51) is developed internally by Blur Studios and is not available for others.
Beacouse using a tool like this will be a HUGE SPEEDUP in the workflow, I`m asking if somebody with programming skills and knowledge can make such a think for Blender. Is possible to achieve this using Python scripts?
I just watched the first video and come on, guys!! The only thing you see is the fast action and violent camera movement. Sure, nice models, texturing, animation and so, but the guy had to stop the friggin’ video just to be able to show you his whizbang effects!!! Now I’m sure it saved him time versus setting all the effects up manually, but that would be just a small part of the total movie work! The movie would probably be practically of the same quality if this maxscript had not been used!!
Not weeks, HOURS.[/QUOTE]
He probably didn’t make any of those models. He created the effects, as part of a bigger team at Blur working on these shorts/game cinematics. The effects are just a small part of the whole thing, but of course quite important in game cinematics where stuff gets shot or blown up left and right.
And yeah, Blur produces some very impressive stuff :).
Perhaps I’m being a bit optimistic… but looking at the impact system video I think that once my particles are fully up & running a similar controll system could be quite easy todo in python for example it’s really just about automatically setting up multiple particle systems… the adaptive subdivision is another thing… but decals & reactor particles could get us very far allready…
Just a glimmer of hope for all you drooling people
I can actually see that coming. Now that you mention it, my mind is scheming up all kinds of new ways to do stuff. Jahka, your work on the particles is brilliant.
I sowit something simmilar a long time ago, and the pictures was generated using only particles (millions of them). Maybe also an option to animate this.