Buried in a Department of Transportation report, the Trump Administration admits climate change is not only real, but will be utterly catastrophic.
As such, reasons the report, we’re already screwed so there’s no point is trying to mitigate the damage. Instead, we might as well burn it down and make what profit we can before it kills us all.
And no, I’m not being sarcastic. This is literally what the Trump administration said. Rome is burning, get out the fiddles!
These EXPLETIVE people.
Jim Wright
Whether you believe in catastrophic global warming or not, this thread looks designed to discourage the idea of civil discussion.
I’ll just leave this here as my prediction of where this will go.
““The amazing thing they’re saying is human activities are going to lead to this rise of carbon dioxide that is disastrous for the environment and society. And then they’re saying they’re not going to do anything about it,” said Michael MacCracken, who served as a senior scientist at the U.S. Global Change Research Program from 1993 to 2002.”
you mean no room to try and wiggle out from under the truth?
Even without the planet manifesting a literal rapture on us all we’re already screwed.
I was thinking the past few weeks about how land reclamation may have a large part to do with the crazy new floodings, I remember hearing that the dutch have reclaimed 50 miles of new land from the ocean which is incomprehensible amount of water displacement, a lot of water just from that but also I’ve heard similar stories from china and I think other countries where they’re making large islands etc. But I’ve never heard this suggested before at all, just that it’s caused by carbon and the little bit of ice breaking off. also a few weeks ago I watched a Globetrekker with Ian Wright where he voyaged on norwegian ice breaker, (I’m 1/4 swedish), and I noticed that the captain would drive right through the solid ice, even if there was slush, and thought that could have an effect over 100 years, especially if that is the shipping standard to “break the ice” at every opportunity. I’m not sure about if slushy water melts faster than solid ice, but he noted that they break through and can get closer and closer to remote areas every year. Another thing I thought of was all the plastic bottles everywhere with water inside, heating up… Also, black pavement everywhere getting very literally hot. I think they should really refocus on multiple things because after 30 years I’ve only heard carbon greenhouse effect is to blame for everything.
I should add I have a bunch of theories. I made this comic in 2009 and used my theory of magnetic discombobulation in it. I’ve since developed a theory that the earths orbit is not as predictable or stable as thought, locked into this unmovable orbit, but rather sometimes drifts a little closer or farther from the sun in a pretty natural wild way.
What I’m nervous about is solar sails which sound great, but if they are in between the sun and earth quit of bit of mischief could take place. To visualize a flashlight which represents the sun, the closer your finger is to the wall the smaller the shadow, but if that little finger is close the flashlight the shadow becomes much larger, a small area properly placed solar sail satelite could blot out all of the suns warming rays that face earthward on its spherical earth facing ‘planes’. I imagine the suns rays blasting out like blenders ‘edit mode’ face normals
“Fleas had spread the plague and are now fighting which one owns the dog.”
the real end only comes to those who believe to die in the end
Quantum weirdness in ‘chicken or egg’ paradox
Materialized beings of word… you keep going blind in fear, owned by propagated paranoia competing for your spectacular attention, get your value of life - self confirmation while enjoying the latest eye in the sky
or continue loving, living & evolving
I made this test, I want to redo it to correct solar system scale testing various sizes of solar sail,to see how small it can be contrasted to shadow. Considering it’s light minutes away I sort of imagine a 30 foot square being able to ‘work’ at deflecting all direct facing hot photons.
here’s the blend if anyone wants to check it out,
shadow of the moth.blend (282.8 KB)
Land reclamation is problematic for freeing more greenhouse gases and thus speeding up global warming, but the displaced water alone (it is sooo infinitely little in proportion to the ocean) can’t cause floodings on a global scale. Crushed ice takes the same energy to thaw, but probably reflects less light and thus absorbs light energy faster - so that one clearly IS problematic. Solar sails of an effective dimension are utopic at this point.
Your speculation is not a ‘theory’, it is a hypothesis at best. It becomes a theory only if it is corroborated by evidence.
More like speculative dark scifi I saw Bill Nye recently released a Carl Sagan inspired very large retractable sail and had to figure the minimum size out.
Here’s the correct radius of earth and multiplied by 2, then added ten earths array to get a measurement, then times that by ten etc until I got the distance of a 92 million miles. I couldn’t navigate a .0035 mile reduced earth object, it’s too difficult to zoom/pan, so this object has a 3 mile radius for complete earth shadow (which I can’t imagine anyone would be able to gather up and control that amount of rubble in space).
I still think a small object would cast a good size shadow, perhaps multiple solar sails will undoubtedly be used as someone else in various manipulative governments must have thought of this already. Hopefully scientists monitor thoroughly, like if solar panels inexplicably no longer function productively, etc
Fun fact for your own sake. Your ‘solution’ is ‘damnation’ to someone else.
& your luck is misfortune to another.
Ego will die.
Will anyone strive to be a better person from now on?
Will anyone strive to make less stupid mistakes tomorrow?
Nah, still most will compete to become gods or kings in its own rights.
Sadly (for ignorant & fearful minds), it must be human experience to accept imperfection of forever everything & nothing.
Waste less mind on environmental collapse while enjoying collapse of humanity - as the greatest beast’s intellect devolves.
Creating confusion is a great tool in the hand of wicked. Keeps one blind to obvious trickery and lies… Strive to stay aware, educate.
As temperatures rise higher, they also fall lower. The whole spectrum/band expands and environment becomes too harsh, too mixed, confused & stressful - unwelcoming, hospitable for highly complex processes (as is intelligent life). Contemplate a bit, on how you came to be You Now…
I just investigated “scientific directory” and also a ‘coastal scientific review’ where people submit papers, which would be maybe fun, but they charge a submission fee. I was hoping for an email in the directory to a water level scientist where I could ask about land reclamation and norwegian ice breaking.
Also here’s the blend file. Scary, a person just have to have faith that the space able leaders and companies are unwilling to tamper with rivals weather. I imagine they already fire lasers and microwave from satelites though
shadow of the moth 3 Mile Island.blend (305.7 KB)