Import 3d data with uv-mapping

Hi all,

is Blender able to import any 3d format wich contains uv-mapping informations, so that I can use an external uv-mapping tool? Or is there a script available wich can do this?


there is a script that imports OBJ files with UV textures.


Do you mean the io-suite? Well, it doesn’t work with Blender 2.27/2.26 (as expected), it doesn’t work with Blender Publisher (as mentioned on the official website), it doesn’t work with Blender 2.23 (the error message is: “No module named GUI”). Oh, btw: I’m using Linux. May this be the reason? Or should I search for Blender 2.2x, 1.x or whatever? :frowning:


Maybe this can help?

Thanks ec2, but unfortunately nearly no Python script is working on my Linux system. I allways get this error message:

No module names os.

I’m using the latest Python version, perhaps this maybe the reason?


Xtra: is you python path set correctly? See the sticky thread in the python forum for getting that done.

That should help you with your python issues.


Hi again!

Well, now this script is working - nearly. Because when I try to export a mesh, the filename has been written, but the file contains no data. The console shows me this error:

File “OBJIO_wings_fix”, line 154, in EventGUI
File “OBJIO_wings_fix”, line 285, in ExportFunction
File “OBJIO_wings_fix”, line 302, in ExportFunctionOK
File “OBJIO_wings_fix”, line 664, in ObjExport
AttributeError: has_uvco


what version of Blender are you trying to use?


vrml can have uv
there is a wings export plugin that exports vrml with uv
(though vrml import doesn’t work in 2.26, and may not in 2.27, it does in 2.25)

if you need to import a file into a .blend file that can’t be opened by an older version of blender (that can import that other format) import in that older version, and save (as a file of your choosing). In the new version with your file open append the object you imported using Shift+F1 (append)

Hi guys,

I’m using Blender 2.27 but I have also 2.26, 2.25, 2.23, 2.21. Python says version 2.2.1 and all this stuff is running on my SuSE 8.1 Linux box.
A funny side note: I downloaded the uv-mapper mentioned by ec2 (for those who don’t know it: it’s a windows software), and just klicked on the icon to start the installation process - out of my Linux box. And, surprise, the typicall Windows installation dialog box appeared on my KDE desktop and I was able to install it sucessfully. Even an icon and a shurtcut on my desktop has been created and it runs well under Linux!

Well, SuSE Linux 8.1 comes with a pre-configured wine (a windows emulator), but I never used it before and you can imagine how surprised I was. :slight_smile:

So my (Linux based) Blender tools don’t run properly on my Linux machine, but Windows software does. Something is going terribly wrong here … :wink:
