Import .BIP (or convert .BIP to .BVH)

Is there any way to get .bip files (e.g. these exported from max AFAIK) into blender or at least convert them to .bvh?

I found this thread but the link given there is broken.

Also there is basically no information available on .bip files as far as I searched :frowning:


Oh, I just found the following thread as well. Obviously the script bob wanted to write was never finished - too bad :frowning:

EDIT: Hm the link to the “Character Studio SDK” in that thread seems to be broken.
I just read that the studio has been directly integrated into 3ds max some time now, so I think this one is the most recent SDK stuff:

EDIT2: I think these files as shown here
and here
might be of interest. From the Autodesk SDK help “Exporting Character Studio R2 Biped Information from 3D Studio MAX R2.X”:

A BIPED SDK function call “BipIface->RemoveNonUniformScale(1)” that may be inserted into any existing MAX exporter. (see also bipexp.h, located in the cstudio\docs folder)