Import/Export Formats?

So far, I’ve been trying to import and export in various file formats using Blender…but due to the fact that Blender doesn’t have a drop-down menu showing various file formats like other programs, and the fact that there seems to be very little documentation on this manner, file imports and exports seem to require a process of trial-and-error…is there any listing of the accepted file formats that I’m not noticing? Because that would be very helpful…

Blender does have a drop down menu same as any other program , go to file then either import or export and like magic theres the list of file types.

Also blender has loads of documentation you just gotta try looking < on this page is a list of file types.

My mistake…I downloaded Blender quite a long time ago…but I updated, and your advice worked perfectly…I guess I’m just a little slow at this Blender thing…thank you for helping, though.